Natural Childbirth Classes

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

It’s been two weeks now…

and it’s been hell.


Not because I think Athena will be a bad baby, but because we are all sick and irritable. Elijah was sick with a virus first. Athena got a cold next (luckily it wasn’t what Elijah had). It really sucked having to take her in to the doctor only 8 days old…She was just really nasally and coughing.

Myself, I had my first ear ache…and still have it. I never knew how HORRIBLE they are. I went last Wednesday to my doctor and she said I somehow got water in my ear that turned into swimmer’s ear….basically an ear infection. Unfortunately the antibiotics and pain med she gave me have done absolutely nothing. – Actually, let me take that back. The pain medicine has my whole right side of my face broken out and itching like crazy. Yeeaaaa….so much for the new computer systems at the doctor’s offices. It didn’t seem to catch that I am allergic to benzocaine….

As of today, I am still suffering. Athena is better but demands to be held at her every waking moment and Elijah is fully recovered.

As if things weren’t crazy enough around here, I had to take Elijah to the ER yesterday. As I was nursing Athena in my bedroom Elijah slipped away and as playing with his toys in the kitchen and family room. Well, it started to get too quiet and I didn’t hear familiar sounds of toys that he would normally play with.

When I got up to find out what the silence was all about, I realized there wasn’t any silence at all. Elijah was crunching on something…crunching loud. I discovered that he had knocked down a glass ornament that didn’t get taken down from the tree when I made the switch to shatter proof bulbs and he was eating the broken shards. EATING GLASS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seriously. I had no idea what to do. He refused to spit out what was left in his mouth…he wouldn’t even open his mouth actually. So I wanted to make sure he didn’t swallow glass without a buffer. I gave him a banana to eat and a drink of water. – I don’t know if that was the wrong thing or not, but it made sense to me at the time.

To make matters worse, I don’t have a car because Brad has lost the Mercedes key so he has been driving our family car. Luckily Becky and Jon came over and Becky was able to watch Athena while Jon and I rushed Elijah to St. Joseph’s in St. Charles.

Brad met us there and we had to get his tummy x-rayed. Sure enough, he had like 8 or so teeny pieces of glass ornament in his belly. The doctor was very assuring that since he wasn’t bleeding in his mouth or acting like he was in pain, the glass should pass from his body with no harm. We just have to keep an eye on him to make sure he doesn’t vomit or poop blood.

Yea…I feel like a crappy mom. I’ve only had 2 kids for 2 weeks and one already had to go to the ER. Life will get better (maybe even easier?) soon…hopefully starting with getting rid of this ear ache.

I do have to admit that it was kind of funny the ER nurses saying “Oh, we have our first ornament eater this season!”. If I would have heard that I would have ridiculed any mother that would have allowed that to happen…ugh…now I’m that mom….I guess it just really makes me mad that I try VERY hard to have everything baby proofed and super tidy, and even though I work my ass off I still failed. It’s very disappointing. It sucks to fail your kids. I’ll get over it I’m sure and realize that I am a fantastic mom and mistakes just happen to everyone. For now though, I’m still really upset and have an excuse to eat this pile of oreo cookies in front of me.

So now that I’ve shared what’s been happening, take a look at my sweet kids!! Oh, I just finished my last paper for school today! Woo hoo….that’s why I get to blog right now. The babies are asleep and I don’t have to think about ecology or philosophy for once!


His shirt says “small but dangerous” – he should have worn that when he had an appetite for blue ornaments.IMG_6389

We have a hard time getting a picture of her making a pretty face :)


I had to put this “mistake” picture to show that his eye lashes are SOOO long. A lady told him he could mop the floor with those things.


He thinks he owns the aisles of Target (probably because it’s like a second home to him). People get the biggest kick out of him pushing that little truck through the store.


You probably think we never put socks on her…but we do. ALL the time actually. She is just really good at removing them and making funny photos. I have better pictures of her feet than of her  face!IMG_6439

Two weeks old here….it’s flying by so fast already. I just want to get well so I can enjoy this as much as possible!


She is a much better nurser than Elijah was. Look at those neck rolls in the making! Even sweeter, look at those little lips! I can’t help but kiss them all the time (especially when she’s rooting because it’s hilarious).

Awe…I’m glad I posted these. It’s helped me to become less angry and self pitying and more grateful and loving. An ear ache will pass, toddlers will still do stupid things but I need to remember to love these fleeting moments as they exist now, because they go so fast.

----Okay, I gotta peek in on these trouble makers now and give them a kiss . Funny how I wish for moments of silence and peace, and now that I have it, I miss the little stinkers :)

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