Natural Childbirth Classes

Monday, April 9, 2012

You're gonna have to bear with me

As I overload you of super cute pictures of my family and kids. I can't resist though. With the great weather we had a few weeks ago, we've been enjoying every moment!

Brad went and got the kids these lawn mowers - they love them! -- But don't be too fooled...Brad hates cutting the grass so much this may be part of his master plan to train them early :)



We also had a scare of losing our cat Caesar for a few days. It was really so relieving when we all found him safe and sound. Elijah was especially happy - he loves his kitty!


We went to Purina Farms, and I have to say it was awesome!  I love when we are able to take the kids to things that make their books come to life - so instead of reading about cows, chicks, farms, etc - they can  experience it first hand. They loved it. Especially Athena who has an addiction to small furry things.



Those pigs were such a hit with Elijah and his cousin Logan!

You can tell Athena loved them! Doesn't she look a little "Darla-ish" from Finding Nemo? - Hopefully she learns to be a bit more gentle than Darla!

My little Athena enjoys yummy chocolate just a tad bit more than fuzzy animals.


And maybe ice cream even more than chocolate....


And yes, she crashed shortly after her sugar rush that day!

Here are some more pictures from that day. It was really an awesome day (aside from our tire blowing on on I-44 on the way down there - very scary!!)


He was so gentle with the little chicks!


Little Logan LOVES blueberries!

IMG_3049My Chickadee looking at some chicks :)
 IMG_3079Aunt Natalie helping Athena get her chocolate filled egg.

Logan kept trying to get more than one (smart guy!)

I love this picture of the kids with their Grandma!!

And I love any opportunity for us to get a family picture! Can God's blessings be any more evident that in this picture!?

You know...I just deleted a few more I wanted to put up.

I may find it hard to believe if you made it to the end considering all the photos I just put up. I hope that it is evident to you that I love my family and I can't help but praise God for what we have.

So go hug and kiss your kids, mom, dad, spouse, brother, sister, in-laws and friends, because they are truly gifts to cherish!

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