Natural Childbirth Classes

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Daniel 10:19

"God wubs you wery much." - Danyal 19

Yep, you guessed it. Elijah has memorized his first Bible verse. How sweet is that?! I have to admit, he learned it a few weeks ago, and has since then memorized a second!

"God's gooness is shine down fwom heaven." - 85:11
(That is the shortened toddler version of Psalm 85:11)

Can I just say that I am so proud? I mean super proud. Not just of him, but of ME! I am going through a realization phase in my life of what it means to raise kids. They aren't just babies anymore that silly toys can keep them learning and occupied. It's become so obvious to me now, that it's a complete gamble raising your kids outside of God's Word. I am so thankful I understand this now, while they are so young. I have our new church to pretty much thank for most of it. Grace Community Chapel ( - sorry, my hyperlink button isn't working and I'm too lazy to figure out the code again.

So I definitely had to share the versus with you - I think it's so awesome (especially because he is enjoying it so much!)

Aside from memory work, we've had a few more firsts since the last time I posted.


Like, first time making and eating yummy, homemade popsicles!


A first chemistry lesson!
Isn't he the perfect poster child for The Bradley Method (TM)!


First time playing with sidewalk chalk. I wonder if either of them will take after Brad and have an artistic side.


And, a first sandbox! They are in heaven in that thing.


And this picture. We'll it's no "first", but it is so cute I had to put it up here. Elijah and his cousin Evan - Elmo twinkies :)

I wish I can update you more with events happening, but it will have to wait until later. My little Athena is showing allergy symptoms to something (milk maybe??) - she has tiny bumps all over her since this morning (along with 4 teeth trying to push through!) Anyway, now she's calling for her Ma-Ma.
I can't leave my Dee waiting!!

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