Wow, that means 2nd trimester! I'm glad to welcome it too. I can't say I've really been throwing up sick but since week 9 up until the end of week 12 I have felt so weak, naseous and just not myself. It was hard to get going, and you know I had to choice with a 3 and 2 year old :)
13 weeks things got better! - maybe because we also had a few 80 degree, sunny days. I'm sure that helped. But the best part by far was Wednesday night (May 1st) - as I was teaching class, ironically - I felt #3 moving! Unmistakably moving. And it was the most unusual movement it was very fast, vigorus and lasted for quite sometime! I loved it, and I love him/her too. I've only been feeling slight flutters since then.
At 12 weeks I saw Allison, our midwife, for a routine prenatal appointment. It was only the second one, but I got to hear the heartbeat. It was between 150-160. Made my heart
melt hearing it. I'm so honored to be creating life. I've always loved the process and have been in awe of it, but maybe it's because I am so much more informed or because I teach about pregnancy and childbirth - I don't know, but this little 3 1/2 inch baby of mine has captivated my heart and soul.
Since the weather has been rainy/sunny every few days it's been sporadic when we get to play outside. We've been taking some walks when it's nice. I love watching Elijah and Athena explore. A favorite activity so far this spring is walking to New Town and throwing rocks into the fountain. So funny that the simplest activity can bring such excitement and joy to them. I've been trying to remind myself to enjoy them to the fullest - even when they get whiny, demanding or irritating. I find myself stopping more often and intentionally loving rather than waiting for them to hurry, or listen faster. You know what I mean, it's frustrating to try and get things done in a timely manner when all the kids want to do is move at their toddler pace. Well, that's what I'm trying to be more thoughtful and patient about. And when I take the time, I notice more how they view everything around them. And it's amazing. Anyway, there is a little bit of my heart opened up for you. But if you seriously think about it, it wasn't that long ago they they were 14 weeks in my belly. Oh it goes so fast, doesn't it?
My chick loves Minnie Mouse |
Her second Cardinal baseball game of her life. |
This might be his 3rd game - maybe 4th? |
They truly love each other and get a long so well. |
SO proud of Elijah. He received his award for completing his first year of Cubbies at AWANA. |
He is so sweet, isn't he? |
I don't know why I love this picture so much, but I do. |
THEY chose to hug the tree - Aaahhhh, my little tree huggers :) |
I love that she is still being modest. She is such a goofy chick. |
Cheeeeeese!!! I got them to stop throwing rocks for just a moment. |
They're getting so big - can you imagine another one standing next to them in a few years? It's hard for me, but it's getting easier and easier to envision our complete family.
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