Natural Childbirth Classes

Monday, August 10, 2009

I guess Monday is blog day

You'd think I'd have more time on the weekends with more people around to hold the little guy. But then again, blogging never makes it up the priority list either.

Our little Tootum Pie started cracking smiles yesterday!! We tried to capture it on camera, but of course he stopped. I can't wait to see him smile all the time. It was so sweet!! Another milestone is that he is rolling over!
Saturday he rolled over onto his stomach while at my mom's house. It actually freaked me out because he rolled from his blanket to face-plant himself onto newly installed carpet. -- Carpet adhesive is VERY unfriendly to the environment, and babies (even adults!).
So I thought it was just a random, one time thing because he isn't even 4 weeks old yet. But he did it again this morning! What a stinker. I leave him on my bed to go to the bathroom, and there he did it again, rolled himself on his tummy. It's exciting, but just another thing to make me worry about :)

I worry too much....

I'm feeling great. Exactly 3 weeks postpardom I stopped needing to wear pads or liners. I was really worried about the recovery process before having him, but I was really fortunate.

Breastfeeding is going much better. The past few days we haven't really needed to use the nipple shield...but it's also bittersweet. He has been going through his growth spurt and wanting to nurse every two hours I'm pretty sore. The good news is, is that he is still only waking up one time in the middle of the night. Our last late night feeding is around 1o:30, he wakes up between 2 and 3 am, and then 6 am. I hope in the next few weeks he can go without that 2/3 feeding! I think I can handle 10:30-6am sleep. Actually, it's perfect because when school starts in the next few weeks I will have to leave by 7:15 in the morning.

Now, finding someone who can watch him while Becky's little Aubrey makes her debut is another story....

--- Naptime appears its coming to a close. I'll hopefully blog again before Monday.

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