Natural Childbirth Classes

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I HATE crying. Especially in public.

I have the "miracle lady" - Nurse Nancy to thank for that. Friday was my long awaited appointment and I am there completely prepared with 10 minutes to spare. Well, turns out that they gave me all the wrong paperwork to fill out. ... that's ok, I can handle re-filling out some papers. I can EVEN handle the creepy old guy staring at me like I just killed his dog.

What I couldn't handle was waiting for 15 minutes, then 25, then 45 minutes before I hear the ladies behind the desk say quitely "Nancy isn't here yet".


after 54 minutes they finally politely tell me that she is on her way and I can wait or reschedule. Well, by this time my dad (who is babysitting) is probably expecting me back in 30 minutes so he can go to work. I am SO irate. I can't even begin to explain my rage.  I told her I'd wait a few more minutes. I couldn't reschedule. I need sleep!

A few more minutes pass by and the lady tells me that I can have half the session with Nancy and the rest will be over the phone. ....that's when I lost it.

Like HELL I will only have 1/2 of the time with this miracle worker I have been waiting to see for more than a month. I couldn't stop the tears. They just came streaming down my face, and my mouth opened and a few things came flying out that I tried really hard to keep polite. How DARE they tell me that I will pay full price but receive less than what I will pay for.

The doctor came to see what was going on, he took me to the back and assured me this never has happened and she was moments away. I felt so betrayed for some reason. Anyway, I hate crying in general, but it's so easy for me to cry these days. It drives me nuts. I blame you baby pea!!!

As an end to this story, I saw Nancy. I stayed the WHOLE time with her (my dad kindly waited). And she told me that Elijah is just used to his mom and nursing so he needs that comfort to go back to sleep. The solution  :::drum roll::: for one week have Brad go in there and lay him down every time he gets up. ----RIGHhhhhhhhtttt. We kind of already knew this, but haven't followed through with it because Brad works. A lot. So needless to say Brad isn't super thrilled, but we're going to start the process this Friday.

I am so disgusted. She may work miracles for some people, but she still leaves me disgusted.

On a happier note we took Elijah to the Science Center on Saturday and he had tons of fun. IMG_4256 IMG_4218 IMG_4219

Of all the fun things to see, he HAD to play with this electrical cap on the floor.


Elijah wasn't too impressed with the dinosaurs. However, look below.


He LOOooved playing on a computer (without having to hear "no-no")  :)


yea, I know. His socks are orange. Mommy's fault.


It was a fun family day again. We can't wait to take him to the Zoo whenever this rain will end!!

I am off to Dr. Chen today for my just-shy-of-12-week check up. :::2nd trimester, have I ever told you how much I love you, how much I have waited for you??:::  Just a few more weeks to go!

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