Natural Childbirth Classes

Sunday, July 25, 2010

A birthday and a funeral

We've been busy, let me tell ya. So Elijah turned one July 15th! It's such a fun milestone! That day we went and got the cheesy pictures taken to commemorate his birthday. He got a little present (trucks) and basically had a pretty uneventful day.

The next day we went to the doctor and he is 29 inches long (which I'm not too sure about...the nurse had to remeasure because she kept shrinking him from his previous visits!) and weighs 18 pounds and 13 oz. Still <3% which makes me feel great knowing that he has been on formula since 10 months old and hasn't jumped in percentile. Basically I am relieved to know my breast milk wasn't starving him the first 10 months - he's just a skinny guy. :)

Saturday we had his birthday party. It was a lot of work, but fun in it's own way. To be honest though I probably wont do a big party again until he (and I) can appreciate it more. Maybe when he is 5 or something. It was too nuts and I didn't get a chance to talk with people I wanted to visit with. He got so many fun things though - I'll have to post pics soon. I can't now - I re-downloaded windows live and it's still giving me crap and I hate blogging through blogger.

The bad news is during his birthday party Brad and his family found out his grandmother passed away that morning. It was so upsetting because we were to go to Iowa the next week for a family reunion and see his Grandmother, but instead we had to leave Sunday to Wednesday for her funeral. The only semi-neat thing is that Elijah received a birthday card from his great grandmother on his birthday - just 2 days before she passed.

Oh, and poor Brad had to fly to Chicago for work Thursday morning and then DRIVE back Friday evening thanks to flooded runways. He is sitting on the couch now, relaxing - exactly what he should be doing!

Needless to say things around here have been on hold. It's Sunday evening and things are starting to feel like normal again. All except that baby pea is kicking like crazy and waking me up all hours of the night. I'd say I love it, but I'd be lying. It was exciting when it was new (around 19 weeks) now I just want her to sleep!! -- And she isn't even born yet! Good grief, I'm nervous about what's to come....

I've started achieving my goal from Elijah's pregnancy - which was to organize videos and photos. For some reason I feel this urgency to organize and share the boxed-up memories. I guess because life is short, unpredictable and needs to be shared to it's fullest. So far so good. I have all of the 1980's VHS's uploaded, now I just have to do the 90's, 2000's and then I will start scanning in generations of photographs. Since my parent's are using my basement as storage there are just ridiculous amounts of photos everywhere. Oh...and I did get a new hard drive that I am protecting with my life so I don't lose any more photos like I did of 2009.

Anyway, I'm tired and I want to snuggle with Brad on the couch. I'll post the pics tomorrow so you can see....AND a video of my little guy walking like a zombie. He is SOOOO sweet, and non-stop walking everywhere.

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