It was so fun and exhausting at the same time. Elijah did great! He did so well on the airplane, it was like he was at home (well, at least for the first 2.5 of the 3 hour flight)
We got there Saturday the 26th and it poured rain, actually right in the middle of our outdoor lunch. We didn't do much that day but hang aournd the lobby and people-watch. That was Elijah's favorite thing to do - hang around the lobby and push his stroller around.
Sunday - more rain, but we managed to get a nice swim or two.
Monday - a little less rain, more swimming.
Tuesday - hardly any rain and lots of swimming. That was a good tanning day for all of us.
Wednesday - visited Isla Mujeres island. The boat ride was 45 mintues away and the ocean was SO rough that people were falling out of their seats. Even piano benches were flying. Thankfully Brad had taken some dramamine (he gets awfully motion sick) and had Elijah safe and sound. Me on the other hand....I puked everywhere. It was flowing down the stairs, splashing people - it was sick. I was so upset and embarrassed. The whole day I could catch conversations about "...and one girl puked down the stairs..." - ugh. Luckily they didn't notice who I was because I changed out of my barf stained clothes.

Other than that the day was AWESOME! I got to zipline down the mountain side and over the ocean. It was amazing! We snorkled, saw dolphins, and my favorite part of all was probably napping in the hammock with my usually-not-so-snuggly guy. I loved every mintue of it.
Thursday - tried to recoop from the island trip. Elijah was a CRAB!! It wasn't that fun of a day, we were pretty ready to head home. Our days typically started at 7:30 and ended around 8:00 in our room...plus a few naps in between.

Friday - had breakfast, then went home!
It was definitely worth it. Honestly, i think Punta Cana was way more beautiful and relaxing, but Iwould definitely go back to Cancun. Never will I go again being pregnant though...all I wanted was a beer!!!
In other news, it's been a busy weekend/week. Friday after we got back Elijah took his first steps!!! As of Monday he has gone about 6-7 steps on his own but sits down after everyone starts cheering :)
Also this weekend my grandma and aunt were in town. It wasn't the ideal visit considering my gma had to be taken to the hospital Saturday morning (she's still there). She is in good spirits, but would much rather be a home (at Becky's house).
I am having computer woes again. We put in some new RAM and our computer restarts ALL the time. So I feel like I am tying against a time bomb. So I have basically typed this blog a few times, so it better work.
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