- The inspector for the basement is coming Wednesday.
- Ron came back today for trimming around the columns, and will finish up tomorrow.
- I feel SO much pressure down there I can hardly stand for more than a few hours
- Elijah’s canine tooth that has been bugging him is ALMOST through (tooth #14!)
- Baby furniture is ALMOST done.
- Baby clothes are ALMOST organized
I had to get those few things off my chest. I’m feeling so anxious right now, because my desktop baby ticker gadget says 9 days left. I predict she’ll arrive on December 2nd – I don’t know why, it just sticks out in my head.
yikes!!! It’s almost happening! I’ve got some good news though…
…her name is pretty official now. Since our first Christmas Brad and I have pick out ornaments for each other and personalize them. Here they are for this year:
We’ve also had the same blue and silver theme – one day it’ll change, but money is being spent on better things for now. Anyway, see her name? Yep, Athena it is. I love it. It is unique, strong and holds special meaning to me in more ways than one. Finally, my baby has a name :)
So yea…I’ve already decorated for Christmas. I am a freakish-holiday lover like that. All I can say is THANK GOODNESS for Target and shatter-proof ornaments. How would you tell your 16 month old “ No, those are not balls that I normally let you throw, those are Christmas ornaments.”
Exactly. You don’t….I’m just glad they don’t break. It was kind of funny tonight to find one randomly in the bathtub….
He is such a goof. I need to get the video camera out again. He will look us dead in the eyes and ‘talk’ to us. “Abu daad doo abu daibi” It’s so cute. He knows exactly what he is saying, even pointing to things while speaking, but it’s so foreign to us. Still, the cutest thing is him screaming “Daddy!” in perfect English. I love it!
We went to eat with Brad’s family over the weekend and it was SO much fun watching the boys play.
The balloon was obviously a huge hit with Elijah. “brrm, brrm, brrm” (He always tries to find a balloon in every book we own).
All the boys.
They were so cute together!!
Elijah wanted Logan’s car … I now have one in the diaper bag at all times!
In other news I am so close to finishing up my school responsibilities, but since I am on Fall break I am having a hard time staying motivated. I have an ecology paper to write, a philosophy paper to write, and an eventual philosophy final to take (probably after she is born). So really just two things I have to do for now….focus, focus….
So we’ve kicked butt in the basement. I worked most of Sunday trying to finish it up – basically painting the door, trim and touch up work. Oh! and installing a door knob. I was nervous about that, but not as hard as I thought. (For those that wonder, Brad has no patience for such things. So we agree it’s best if I do the ‘assembling’ in the house – which I happen to love for some reason). Brad and his dad were connecting some wiring stuff and hung up the tv. Here is our progress up until last night.
Brad and I did assemble our fireplace media center together! I love the ‘fire’!
…See all of the beautiful, white trim work? …Sense all of my pride oozing for a job well done (at 38.5 weeks pregnant at that!)??
yea…so this picture isn’t really any different than before. I am just really proud of that door knob :)
I’ll get more pics tomorrow after Ron has finished. We still have a door to hang and some trim to place – Brad is going to ask Ron to do it, quite frankly I hope he accepts. The money will be worth the hassle to me. So if that goes as planned, we will just have to paint the door (for the storage room), the trim and install the door knob. WOOT WOOOOOOT!
I am sensing a nursery coming together with days maybe even hours to spare….Hang in there Athena (preferably after Black Friday) :)