Natural Childbirth Classes

Monday, March 16, 2009

I feel accomplished

I rearranged the baby's room yesterday, finshed putting the crib together, hung up the blinds and finally decided on a theme?? -- Maybe not 100% sure on that last one. I really like monsters, Brad was so-so on the I think we've decided on airplanes. I love that one too, for obvious reasons associated with my addiction to traveling.
Aside from that, I'm sitting here are work and decided to crack the window since it is such a beautiful day. I started smelling smoke...

:::Okay, let me give a little back ground info first. I work in a pretty bad part of town; pretty much overrun by violence, drugs, murder you name it, it's happened. Secondly, I work at a manufacturing plant that creates nail polish remover.:::

So since I work around thousands of gallons of acetone and flammable liquids, the smell of smoke is not easily ignored. Our neighbors, who are basically a junk yard decided to start burning their trash...about 100 yards from all of our acetone tanks!! I called the plant manager right away and then the cops. 10 mintues later the cops show up (thanks for being timely) and they make him extinguish the fire. While he was trying to do that, the junkyard dog is running everywhere...actually it seemed like he was trying to take refuge with the police! The junkyard owner drags the dog and throws him into a van trailer. No windows, no ventilation...the poor dog is sitting in a trailer (70 degrees outside). So now I'm looking out my window to see when he's going to let that poor, abused dog go. If he doesn't I already told the plant manager I will call some type of animal abuse line.
Of course, all the while I'm trying to hide my face so I can't be recognized if they ever see me walking in and out of work and blame me for calling the cops....I need to find a safer place to work.
Nonetheless, I feel accomplished for trying to see justice is served and the bad guys are caught.
Oh...and he did just let the dog out....lucky for him.

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