Wow...I have been meaning to update the blog BEFORE she got here, but it is true when they say the second labor is faster (did anyone ever tell me that it's harder though??)!
For starters, I knew something was up when I lost my mucus plug at 4:11am on the 29th. Contractions were sporadic throughout the day (which was Emma's and Natalie's birthday!). So I tried to get my mind off of things and did some running around at Target to get some last minute things.
Becky spent the morning with me because I was a little nervous about how'd I feel while having Elijah running like a mad man and me contracting. We did okay, after we came home from Target, Elijah took a great nap while I tried to scramble and get Athena's room halfway organized - hung up curtains, clothes, placed teddy bears, etc. I could tell that my activeness was only encouraging contractions. I settled down and wrapped Emma's birthday present (she's 5) because we were headed to Becky's house that evening for pizza and ice cream cake. Brad met us there and we had a nice time. Emma loved her veterinary Barbie we got her :)
We got home around 7 and started getting Elijah ready for bed and after struggling with that (he's been stubborn and trying to move his 8pm bed time to 9pm for some reason...) I started finishing up what I could for Athena's room. At this point - I guess 9:30 or so I could tell it was time to try and take it easy. Contractions were really getting strong, but still pretty sporadic (but that's how it was with Elijah too). I think by 11pm Brad and I decided to start timing them with an app he downloaded on his iphone. About midnight they were pretty regular at 5 minutes apart and about one minute in duration. I'll tell you though, they were really painful - and to my dismay, the exercise ball didn't help like it helped with Elijah. About 12:30 I was really debating on going to the hospital, but I didn't want to be that mom who goes for only a 'false alarm'. Especially for a second pregnancy!
By 1:00 we decided to go. The contractions were so painful, I was SO tired (having no sleep mind you) I was ready to get some kind of progress report. Luckily my dad was able to stay with Elijah and Brad and I had a de-ja-vu moment driving in the little kompressor to MOBAP. Contractions were 5 minutes apart still, and the worst yet in the car. good grief people....I'm telling you they were bad. Even thinking about it I can feel my uterus contracting right now.
We checked in around 1:45ish into triage room 3 and had to get asked one million questions. I was disappointed to find out that I was only dilated to a 4-5 when we got there. Well, I should say, happy that it wasn't 'false labor', but disappointed I was such a 'weeny' that I couldn't handle the pain as well as I did with Elijah (because I arrived at the hospital at 6-7 cm with him).
Either way, I was an emotional wreck. I had problems relaxing. The ball didn't help me labor I was feeling SO defeated that I wanted some pain relief. Thanks to Brad, he encouraged me, supported me and had faith in me. He was able to steer me clear of those thoughts because he knew I could do it.
We were admitted into labor room 1 and the 'fun' started :)
Brad called everyone to let them know that this was it. Athena was going to make her debut!
My mom, Becky, Stephanie and Christie (Brad's mom) all arrived and it was awesome. It was so comforting and felt great having them there. Athena's arrival wouldn't not have been as successful as it was if any of them were missing.
The contractions were not really regular to me, but to be honest, they were so painful (especially in my back) I'm having a hard time even remembering their frequency. I do remember the duration and intensity getting stronger though! It took me a while to find my comfortable laboring spot, and it wasn't that ball!
Yep, a scalding HOT shower worked for me. It was the only relief. Everyone pretty much rotated holding the shower nozzle over my back while I contracted. I knew a lot of it was the dreaded back labor you've heard about. I would not wish that on any laboring woman. Lucky for me though, I was in the shower and felt Athena rotate down. I mean it was a weird feeling. Really weird and scary but it felt right. Thank goodness she did because I don't know how much of that back pain I could have handled.
By 4 am I was at 8 cm. I labored a little bit more in the shower and by 5 am I was pretty much ready to go! Dr. Chen was already at the hospital because of another birth so he examined me at 5:00 and helped me push past a little bit of cervix I had left (same happened with Elijah). After that he broke my bag of water and I really started to feel the pressure!
---I'm gonna be honest, I was pretty nervous about pushing because for some reason I went to Taco Bell for lunch and ate a bean burrito. Yea, I know...no one reminded me to think about what I may poop on her :)
Taco Bell quickly left my thoughts as soon as I felt that urge to push. Wow, I never got that strong feeling with Elijah. Maybe that's why it took me 45 minutes to push him out and only 3 pushes (about 4 minutes) with Athena! Woo hoo!
It was cool that Brad got to deliver her. It's funny that he was nervous about pulling her out and I had to scream 'just get her out!' -- it's not pleasant having a human hanging out of your bits - okay? :)
After all that I managed to not tear or require an episiotomy! Lucky for me!
She was born at 5:17am, weighed 7 pounds 11 oz, and was 19.25 inches long (her head measuring 13.5). She had a full head of dark, dark hair and scored 9 and 9 on her Apgars. You won't believe it until you see her. She really is perfect. She has Brad's ears and fingers. She has my toes and crooked, right nostril. Beautiful eyelashes and probably my most favorite of all, is the biggest, sweetest dimples from her daddy. Oh my goodness people, she is SO sweet. She is my "dimply doo" - you know I've gotta nick name her :)
I'm sitting in the hospital room just looking at this perfect baby. I wish my heart was 100% elated but it's not because my first baby is home with virus (with fever). It literally breaks my heart to not be there with him, especially when I can hear him when I talk to Brad saying 'mamma, mamma'.
We're going to have to keep the new siblings separated for a bit. We're going home tomorrow, so maybe you could say a prayer that Elijah recovers quickly so we can truly enjoy being a new family of 4.
My heart is so full of love and thanks. I am so grateful for the blessings in my life. I can't even begin to describe!