Natural Childbirth Classes

Friday, March 11, 2011

“geeyt down”!

I have Aubrey to thank for teaching Elijah to say ‘get down’. He has become so active and curious we have to turn chairs over so he doesn’t climb on furniture, and god-forbid the half wall that barricades the basement steps.

It’s so cute though, he will stand on something he knows he isn’t supposed to and tell on himself by saying “geeyt down”. So cute.

What’s not so cute is when he says “No”. In perfect, understandable English. I am a little dumbfounded how to  handle the situations. When I ask him to do something and he says no….what do I do? He is to young to reason with I know, but the word “no” just makes it seem that he knows exactly what’s going on, and that he is entitled to get his way. I am definitely going to have to work on this….

Elijah is also going through some kind of emotional issues too. He keeps waking up in the middle of the night (not with just a whimpering, but screams) and is nervous any time we get in the car. I know he’s afraid we’re going to school. My poor guy, he has such anxiety about school and being left behind. Thursday was awful. He threw himself on the ground and cried, and to make matters worse I forgot Bobby at home. So he didn’t even have Bobby there for him.

His teachers assure me it may take a few months to adjust. Probably more time with his case because we are approaching summer break and when we return from Greece he will start in a new classroom and with a new teacher since he will be 2.

The way I see it is that it’s better for him to go through this now, rather than when he’s 4 going to preschool. He will adjust, but I hope soon…and hopefully he will adjust to sleeping through the night. Especially because his sister does now! Woo hoo! 8pm-5am! Then she sleeps until about 8 while Elijah wakes up at 7.

Whatever emotional issues he is facing I just continue to assure him that I will be there. I love that little boy so much, more than I ever dreamed.IMG_5877

It’s such a great Friday afternoon, I can’t wait for Athena to wake from her nap so we can go the park. Gotta use the nice weather while we can because, who knows, we may have 10 inches of snow tomorrow…

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