Natural Childbirth Classes

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

go ahead, tell me

how crazy I am.

So I went yesterday and had the IUD put in place.  As I was sitting alone in the exam room waiting for Dr. Chen, I felt overwhelmingly sad that it was the end! – I  know it sounds nuts. Even though this IUD can stay in place for 10 years (I’d be 38!) it doesn’t mean it HAS to. But yesterday I felt so sad, like I wouldn’t be able to have any more kids if we wanted to.

I know my sadness must have been attributed to having an attachment to my OB office a little bit. (Now that must sound totally nuts!)  I mean if you think about it, I have been visiting the same people in that office at least every month for 2 1/2 years! He has such great staff, and he himself is a great doctor so I felt like I was closing a door yesterday (although I have to go back in a month to make sure this device is still in the proper place).

Also, I started thinking about if  we wanted more kids how would that happen? Life is always so busy so how would we decide? I can’t imagine us saying, “Ok, life has slowed down enough to try.” And now that it can’t happen by “accident” like Elijah and Athena, will we ever make time to have another one? Especially because we’ve reached capacity at our house! So now that would mean eventually having to move for each child to have their own room…..yikes….I know, I’m thinking too hard about this…..but still, do you kinda see where I’m coming from?

On a different subject, Athena slept through the night!! I kept her out kind of late at the gym and she finally settled around 9:30 and didn’t wake up until 6:45! So awesome!

Even more awesome is that it’s 1:30 in the afternoon and both of them have been asleep for a while, but Athena actually put herself to sleep. She was wide awake snuggly swaddled and eventually closed her eyes. Such a good baby! – They both are actually fantastic. I wouldn’t trade them for anything!


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They’re so sweet aren’t they!!!!

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