Time flies...I have so much to catch up and talk about...so this may be lengthy.
- I finished my last final yesterday evening! We'll see how well I did...but at this point I don't care, I'm glad to have a weekend to not worry about school. (Summer semester starts next week)
- This may TMI, but it's my blog so I say what I want. My boobs have gotten out of control. I was trying to avoid buying a new bra, but HAD to. Basically what I think was happening is that because the cup was too small, my excess boobage was pouring over and getting circulation cut off or something....anyway a few people suspected that things were clogging up in there. Some places would get extremely hard, and it was wierd. So I went and purchased a new bra last night. I told Brad I feel like a new person, I truly do...I just hope they go back down to normal size eventually...because it's almost embarrassing now.
- I'm expecting my milk paint (organic/ecofriendly/No VOC paint) to arrive in the mail soon. I realy want to finish the nursery before next week because I start class again. ::crosses fingers::
- Baby is moving like crazy. I think I felt him in my ribs a few days ago. It's very strange, but exciting at the same time.
- I don't know how I feel about sex anymore. I feel like a walrus trying to get around sometimes. So in combination with feeling like a walrus, being naked and contorting my body in strange positions to only make me feel like a 'big naked walrus' is not so sexy or mood stimulating. Oh well...
- AH! A very exciting thing I will post later is that I am going to get a free 3D u/s picture taken on Tuesday. I ran across a girl from thebump who lives in STL and she told me to call this place because they were giving away "sneak peaks". So I'm set up for Tuesday, and I CANNOT wait to see what he looks like. I know it's like cheating, but I don't really care.
- I've started making my own wipes...yet another project to try and complete this weekend. Luckily it's going to be raining, so trying to get color on my pasty legs will not be in my weekend agenda.
I'll post later too. I go see Dr. Chen this afternoon, so maybe there will be something exciting to report.
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