Elijah is awesome. We've certainly had our struggles....and CERTAINLY continue some struggles, but he is such a wonderful part of me I wouldn't really change anything.
He will be 6 months old in just a few days and we are just now (as of the last two nights) starting to get more rest (waking only twice in 12 hours). He was up at least 4-5 times a night before now. Either he would startle himself awake, lose his pipila (pacifier) or just randomly decide to disturb my slumber.
He would always have to be a burrito...I mean swaddled with his arms tucked in tighter than we could manage! We luckily broke that habit with resolving to the "cry it out" method when he turned 5 months. --- I needed some sort of relief during that time.
We have given him his first few tastes of solid foods. He loves apples, pears and prunes (yuk). He sort of likes sweet potatos, carrots and squash. We recently starting giving him rice crackers so he won't reach out for our food when we try to eat and I think he LOVES feeling like a big boy - being able to eat on his own.
Sadly we are still struggling to put weight on his body! He is definitely NOT a comfort nurser. He barely has the patience to wait for a let-down. It's been a vicious cycle. His lack of nursing instigated my lack of production and it's been an awful downward spiral. I've been trying to fix that by nursing as often as possible and cutting out all solids, but we'll see what the doc says when we visit him on the 15th. As of right now (with my baby scale I paid WAY too much money for) he is hovering right under 13 pounds - well below the 5th percentile for breastfed babies.
Here's a pic of my little guy just before Christmas:

He is doing so well developmentally! He babbles all day long, loves to play and is almost sitting up independently.
I'm sad to have slacked on my blog...it was/is basically my baby book for Elijah (I have one ---but who has the time to fill it out??!) Oh well, 2010 will be better document than the last three months of his little life :)
And unfortunately I have to cut this entry short -- he is napping like an angel and there are a million house chores that need to get done. I will be back later to brag on my newest nephew who was born on Dec 26th!! wait till I post pics of him!! What a cutie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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