Natural Childbirth Classes

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Mr. Hanky the Christmas Poo

So, it looks like we're staying with our South Park theme and ultrasounds.

Remember Elijah was compared to Cartman early on?  click here

Brad said that our little pea looks like Mr. Hanky....ugh, and I agree.


Besides the fact my baby looks like poo...he/she is doing great in there! They could point out the arm buds and leg buds already - it's just so amazing to think about. It's happening all so fast! The heartbeat was pretty fast at 173 bpm, but I also blame that on the soda I had prior to the appt. Maybe the sugar made him/her crazy for a moment. Elijah's was only 143 bpm!

I'll be honest, the heartbeat almost made me cry. I have been super emotional lately, and it was a sound of relief because I have been cramping so bad lately.

It's so hard to decide what my gut is telling me as far as boy or girl goes. I go in waves of wanting a boy or wanting a girl. I really don't want to know. I am going to fight with all of my strength to prevent us from finding out the sex. The only problem is, is Brad will fight with all his strength to FIND out the sex. I should win this battle, he got his way the first time when we found out. 

Something else that I think is kind of nuts is that I am already starting to feel a difference in my lower abdomen. I was laying Elijah down in his crib and as my stomach was pressing against the crib rail it hurt in a funky way! Of course I'm not showing or anything like that, but I can feel my round ligaments pulling (either it's that, or I did 1000 crunches --- and lets get real people).

I go back on May 18th and have to get blood work prior to that visit. I am so glad that the first trimester will be over soon. I want to eat normally....and brush my teeth without gagging and throwing up. I am down 6 pounds in 2 weeks, which I'm not really complaining about, but I'm tired of feeling queasy ALL the time.

I'm off to sleep. I am volunteering at the St. Louis Earth Day festival tomorrow, and I have to be there super early. Hopefully the rain will leave us alone, it should be a fun day.

St. Louis Earth Day Festival

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