Natural Childbirth Classes

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Can I please STOP…

being SO emotional, and hungry. I am seriously so annoyed with myself. Why are iphone commercials making me cry? – I was never so emotional with Elijah. Some other differences I would like to document are the following:

1) my hair is falling out like crazy! Never happened with #1

2) The moment I step out of the shower, I need to shave my legs again. What the hell?!?! Pregnant with Elijah I needed to shave once a week

3) My hunger swings are out of control. Maybe it’s catching up from the first 20-something weeks of food aversion, but I’ll eat something and still feel hungry while I’m full.  How does that happen?

4) I feel invaded, like my body isn’t shared with my little girl, but completely taken over! It wasn’t until the last few weeks of pregnancy# 1 that I felt limited with my abilities. My back hurts, my bump has finally popped out (just this weekend I think), I am waking to pee every 4-5 hours.

Maybe my body just doesn’t quite remember how it functioned before I became a human factory. It needs to get a grip though…I am not quite ready to give up all of my independence to my growing baby.  She’s a little stinker already – good grief, I   love her so much for her greedy mischief!

On another note (while she kicks the crap out of me --  Elijah never kicked so hard at this point in pregnancy) here is my little walking guy! How sweet is he!

This weekend we also went to Grant’s Farm. I haven’t been there since I was 4 or so, and all I remembered were the goats. I must say I was impressed. The animals seemed to be treated very well (maybe minus the elephants – I don’t think they should be captive here). I loved how it was like a little Bavaria. It reminded me of my travels there.


Elijah kept wanting out to get closer to the animals. These deer in particular, looked us straight in the eye while it crapped 15 pounds (oddly enough that was facing us too).


He kept walking around  inspecting everyone’s stroller wheels – he got bored with his own.


This was one of his favorite parts of the day – running through the sprinklers.


This was my favorite picture of the day. It sucked though because they picked that lion to sit on, and it was the ONLY one that wouldn’t move up and down! – I got dizzy just watching the darn carousel. --  add that to the list I made to the beginning of the blog.

I was like a sweaty pig that day, so there will be no pictures of me posted :)


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