I'll be honest...I'm a little disapointed.
yep....no dialation and barely starting to efface. That's okay, I was just hoping to be one of the lucky ones. I'm also a little disappointed that my usual Friday appointment is being pushed back to Tuesday next week. - the office is closed that day...but I don't really like it when my routine is messed up.
Oh well, I guess it gives me that much more time to progress. COMEONBABY!!!!!
This weekend was EXHAUSTING. Moving, packing, stressing - those are all pretty good adjectives. My mom and dad's house is now bascially in our basement. They still have plenty to pack up, but it's a start.
Saturday Brad's family gave a baby shower! It was so nice and thoughtful. We got a bunch of things for the baby (obviously, right?) Onesies, spoons, a bouncer, baby carrier, hangers, blankets, outfits, a humidifier, a nightlight, toys....it was pretty exciting! We were at Cheri's house and had lunch and a really yummy cake filled with some kind of cream cheese filling...
So...my camera died during the shower. I did manage to get a few pics, but I'll have to upload them later.
Not much to report 'feeling' wise. I still have the crampiness...some D and lots of fatigue. The 90 degree days probably haven't been helping that much. It's kind of funny how pregnancy for me has come full circle in a way. The very beginning I was always paranoid looking for blood or scary discharge to indicate something about the pregnancy isn't going right. Now I'm looking for the same type of thing, only to tell me that becoming "unpregnant" is going right.
That's a thought...no longer pregnant?? that may mean:
1) no longer so huge???
2) no longer being stared at like a freak show???
3) no more swelling???
4) no more feet/elbow kicking my lower right ribs???
5) an end to the stretching???
6) not getting winded trying to get off the couch???
7) eventually wearing something hanging in my closet???
8) not worrying about
a-bowling-ball-is-falling-out-my-vagina-feeling all the time???
9) no longer having to pee ALL the time???
FINALLY getting to feel the squirms and squiggles in my arms???
- those are nice thoughts, especially the last oneUntil then...I must remember the flip side of things....at least I can try and sleep.