Natural Childbirth Classes

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

SOOOO tired.

Hopefully this is the LAST time I ever have to work shitty hours. I had to be up at 2:15 this morning to start work at 3:00. yes... a.m., as in in the sun's not up yet!!
So now it's hit 6:30 and I'm struggling to keep my eyes open. I am counting down until nap time at 11:00 when I get off. - We had to provide a safety lunch for 3rd shift employees (I was nominated to run 3rd shift because I'm the only one who doesn't have kids yet) ::BS::
At least I like the group we served.

Anyway, part of the exhaustion is due to not sleeping until midnight! I went to see Natalie, Tim and new baby Logan at St. John's yesterday. Unfortunately he was still in the NICU, but doing very well. Natalie looked a little tired, but still great. I didn't get home until nearly 11! What an amazing miracle. Here are some pics of Logan. Hopefully today when I swing by (before my nap time) I will get to hold him!

He looks like Tim!!
As for me baby-wise, not much has changed. I still feel pretty crampy, no solid poops (sorry TMI) and he is kicking and moving like a crazy man! Hopefully he gets the idea soon that he'll have more room out here ::but baby...please wait until after I've had a LONG, GOOD nap. Then you can come - thanks::
It is also been ridiculously hot here lately. I could barely make it up a small parking lot hill yesterday without blowing up like an air balloon and feeling like I had all my breath punched out of me. My feet are really starting to swell badly. The rest of me is too...I finally had to take off my wedding rings. - Oh well, I have a tan line there and an indention line that indicates that I swelled out of them.
Here are my poor tootsies (they're not so bad here). -- okay, wow. I just dozed off again. I need to take a few laps around the office....

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