Natural Childbirth Classes

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Hospital Bag...check!

We finally gathered everything and packed the bag tonight.
*I say "we"...basically Brad went to Walmart with me probably to make sure I wouldn't come home with something we didn't really need. --- like the closet organizer he made me take out of the cart*

So we got the tennis balls (suggested by the Bradley method class), little shampoos to have at the hospital, scrunchies, a nursing bra, a night gown (I have mental issues about wearing a hospital gown - it reminds me of bad times), we also have our diapers (huggies F&N and 7thGen) and chlorine free wipes. I packed a BUNCH of panties...all kinds. Actually what's funny is for my bachlorette party a game involved each guest bringing a pair of panties...anyway, long story short, Natalie brought these horribly huge-grandma-undies...I packed them. I bet they will be SUPER comfy.
I made a rice sock (used to heat up and help sooth the back), oh, I packed Elijah lots of onesies, his coming home outfit, socks, and an "I love mommy" outfit. --how could I resist??

It was kind of scary when it got to the part of packing stuff for the baby. I felt like it was my 'test' to see if I'd get it right...did I remember everything he may need (without having the hospital having to provide)? - oh, and I did remember his organic soaps & shampoos -

As he wiggles around right now it just make it so unbelievable that these 'alien' movements I see and feel will soon be 'real' in life and flesh. Also as I sit here these 'period' cramps are a little more bothersome. I don't understand what they really are - I mean - my stomach isn't rock hard like so many books describe. Where is the definition of an annoying cramp that isn't timeable but slowly progressing to the point of wanting to reach for a midol?

I don't know, but I'm sure I'll follow up in my blog as soon as I get a report from Dr. Chen on Friday. At least my bags are now packed if it turns into something more serious.... **wishful thinking**

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