Wow. I can't believe how time has flown by. I found out I was pregnant 9 weeks ago (tomorrow)!! So far I have been pretty fortunate. Not much sickness at all, just a little queasy here and there. Probably the worst symptom is feeling so TIRED! I know Brad is anxious for that to get behind me. I rarely even clean the house (he's cleaned the last 4 weekends in a row).
Oh well, enjoy it while I can right?
We went to see Dr. Chen yesterday. While everything was PERFECT. I was disappointed we didn't get to see the baby in true baby form. Oh well. We heard the heart beat via the doppler and it was the perfect little sound at 150 bpm.
I also got my blood work results, and everything was in the range it needed to be. This is such a relief, knowing that things are going well. God has really blessed me....lets just hope this baby is as good when it comes out :)
So here is what it's looking like right about now. --I'll probably post my first belly pic soon, now that I'm feeling like the 'bump' is really baby versus the root beer floats that wont seem to leave me alone.

Hi my little baby in there. I love you.
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