Natural Childbirth Classes

Sunday, July 12, 2009

7/11 has come and gone...

On a good note I will not remember my child's birthday thinking of a mini-mart/gas station :)

I'm not going to lie, I was pretty frustrated yesterday, at least hoping for some type "sign" that things are still moving along. Nothing really, however Stephanie and I got a really nice pedicure...I should have treated myself a long time ago. After that I went to the baby store and picked up some random things. I guess I was just trying to busy myself since Brad always has somewhere to be (Baseball again).

Later on I met at a BBQ and hung out for a bit, got advice from moms (and some sympathy too). After I had enough baby/birth/labor/bla-de-bla-blabla talk, Mary and I went to dinner and chatted about our normal issues. I went home, found that I had to clean up piss from the oriental rug my mom gave us (yeaaa....Brad left tipsy out, again - so I had to clean up piss/shit again - )

So that was the perfect ending to a due-date kind of day.

Oh, I did buy some red raspberry leaf tea and had a cup of that and watched my all time favorite Bridget Jones' Diary before falling asleep. The tea was actually good!

Well this morning was a different story. I woke up around 4:30 like normal to go pee and just had really uncomfortable back/menstrual pains. I tried to lay back down and decided that bath sounded better. Before I get into the bath, out came part of my plug! It was not as disgusting as I thought. So I sat in the bath and had a freak out moment trying to figure out how to escape the pending labor/motherhood for a few minutes - but eventually I was able to relax myself. So after my bath I decided to try and lay back down in bed, but as soon as I did the more uncomfortable I felt. I then decided to walk the neighborhood for about 20 minutes until I realized I was starving. So now here I am, realizing that true labor could still be far away, but can't help but feel a little excitement and fear.

For now, It's 6:15 am, I'm going to drink some more tea, eat my cereal and try to go back to sleep.

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