Natural Childbirth Classes

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Get out baby...

Dear Elijah,

You know I love you already, but it's time that you get out.
Technically you still have 4 days left, but enough is enough. We're getting ready to go to Dr. Chen in a few hours, so I hope you have been busy during your stay in my uterus this last week. I hope all of the uncomfortable pressure your little noggin puts on my bladder is working to dialate and thin my cervix too.
Can I also mention that you're making mommy's tummy SO itchy. I don't want you to stop growing --- I just want you to stop growing inside of me. It's time to come out.
I have been walking like crazy, using the exercise ball, squatting and other things you're too young to know about. So, I'm doing my part -- are you doing yours?

Your Aunt Beequee says tonight is the night, since it is a full moon. She also wants you to wait until the 14th since it's her birthday -- don't listen when she talks that nonsense :) I know that you'll come when you ready, but I hope it's soon. Your Uncle Geegee would like to meet you too. He has to leave Thursday for three months. So, come on out!

Also I'm getting worried that you may poop while you're still in there. Don't do it, please. It's not good news for your little lungs, and it is really, really gross to think about poopies in mommy.
Daddy is really excited for you to come out too!! We're waiting to meet you and see who you look like. He thinks that you'll have my thin ears (he likes to tease me about them). I hope you get his super sweet dimples. We love you so much!! Come out so we can squeeze and snuggle you! (between you and me, I need a new snuggle buddy. Your puppy Tipsy likes to lay on daddy ALL the time, so I get left with snuggling with your kitty Tacoose. So will you come out and snuggle me?!)

We're waiting for you - not very patiently - but waiting. :)


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