Natural Childbirth Classes

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

One week ago...

Elijah was born! I can't believe one week has come and gone all ready. So far so good (knock on wood someone...) Breastfeeding has been a challenge, but we're slowly getting the hang of that together (thanks Amy for the shield!). I was a little disappointed I had to use a breastshield to get him to latch on properly, but we're working on not using that when we can - besides, all I care is that he is getting what is best for him, and that would be breastmilk.
I can't say there is a pattern yet. He's hungry about every 2-3 hours and has a poo just about each time. It's remarkable to see the changes in him already. He is staying alert a lot more during the day (I say a lot more -- probably just a few hours total).
For me, I am happy to say that I have lost 25 of the 32 pounds I've gain so far! Good for me!!
So here is a before and after...I always loved seeing everyone's B/A postpardom shots...

39w6d 1w post
So there we have it...
I have "the" pair of jeans calling my name from my closet, so here's my declaration to wearing those in the next few weeks.
All in all, I must say I had my FAVORITE moment this morning. All three of us were in bed before Brad's alarm went off. I've never felt so much love than I did when I saw my family in that quietness and stillness. Elijah was sleeping and Brad was gently cuddling and holding him with his hand. It really hit me that this is my family we've created.
It's so incredible, and I am so very lucky.

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