Natural Childbirth Classes

Sunday, July 12, 2009

mucus plug update...

So it's been a pretty long day! After my last post I had a big bowl of cereal and slept until 9ish. I woke up super hungry again, so I made second-breakfast.
I was feeling okay, just a little crampy, but nothing to try and time. Stephanie came over because we had plans to visit Logan, Natalie and Tim. Logan is so sweet! It's really amazing how much he's changed in such as short time. I was really in awe of him too. All I could keep thinking is that I am going to have my own in a matter of days!!

Natalie found some baby pics of Brad!! I am way too excited to have them (I will scan them in as soon as I can - maybe at work tomorrow?) What's really funny is this weekend Steph told me she had two dreams about me. The first dream the baby had a head full of blond hair (Brad and I are both brunettes so not likely...) and the second dream she said my baby was born 15 pounds! Well, having never seen a baby pic of Brad before, you could have knocked me over with a feather when I saw how BLOND his hair was -- like bleach blond!!! It will be so ironic if the baby is born with a head full of blond hair...I'm sure I can handle that dream coming true a little bit better than the 15-pound baby dream!

So while at Natalie's I lost more goopiness. Afterwards we went to Walmart and I had more noticeable contractions and a LOT more goopiness came out. (thank goodness I thought to wear a pad) Later at my house Stephanie coaxed me to do some squats -- I did them in the bath tub for fear of having to clean up if my water broke -- :)
and after my squats more goo came out. Sorry if this is TMI people, but it's all part of the process.

So Brad and I went for a walk this evening and I've been timing uncomfortable contractions (not painful really) for the last 45 minutes or so. They are steadily 6-7 minutes apart and range from 35-50 seconds long. The ones I feel wrap around my back are much more uncomfortable and they last a little bit longer. So...anyway, I'm still not sure if this is labor or not. I figure since it doesn't hurt really bad I'm going to ignore them as long as possible. So It's now 10:15 in the evening and it's been 18-19 hours since the initial part of the plug fell out. If google info is right and first time moms go into labor after 48 hours or so, then hopefully it wont be long! -- but google also said it could be 3 weeks too

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