Emma is an amazing big cousin, and of course a great big sister. The moment Aubrey was in her arms, Emma was trying to sooth her with 'shhh, shhhh'.....how sweet!!!!
This blog is my little corner of the internet where I like to talk about the things I love: God, my family and childbirth.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Aubrey is here!!
Poor Becky had to be induced, 12 days overdue!! She was really disappointed, but in the end, when you have a beautiful, healthy baby who cares what labor was like. Just as long as mom and baby are okay.
Monday, September 14, 2009
I know MOST babies love
their car seats....well mine doesn't.
As a matter of fact, he hates it. He screams bloody murder the very moment he hears the "click" of the seat. It's really become debilitating for me...I cannot be home-bound because of school and obvious reasons, but all of my hopes of leisure trips to the mall/Target/parks/wherever are not an option. I can't take the cries and the screaming....it's awful.
The only comfort I've found is Google. Thanks to Google I know I am not the only mom out there who has this problem.
uuuggggghhhhh............I feel so defeated. maybe I'll blog something cheerful soon. (I am typing with one hand since my little stinker chooses to only sleep on the left side of my chest lately --- another issue for another depressing blog entry for a later date in time....)
As a matter of fact, he hates it. He screams bloody murder the very moment he hears the "click" of the seat. It's really become debilitating for me...I cannot be home-bound because of school and obvious reasons, but all of my hopes of leisure trips to the mall/Target/parks/wherever are not an option. I can't take the cries and the screaming....it's awful.
The only comfort I've found is Google. Thanks to Google I know I am not the only mom out there who has this problem.
uuuggggghhhhh............I feel so defeated. maybe I'll blog something cheerful soon. (I am typing with one hand since my little stinker chooses to only sleep on the left side of my chest lately --- another issue for another depressing blog entry for a later date in time....)
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Happy birthday to me!
:::yesterday anyway:::
I was surprised with breakfast in bed!! At 6:00 am. Brad was very sweet to do so. And if that was cool enough, he got me a little netbook that I've been wanting to use for school! I'm very excited to use that!
One thing that does suck is that I realized how old I've gotten. I am taking a Bio class and yesterday a classmate and I were talking about our notes. I thought I would fall over from old age when I saw that she dotted her "i"s with hearts......um....not that I ever did that, but I do recall thinking it was SO cute when I was 15 or 16. I'm at least 10 years older than everyone in that class.
Oh well it's better to be 27 working on a degree for my future than to be 27 with no ambition.
I was surprised with breakfast in bed!! At 6:00 am. Brad was very sweet to do so. And if that was cool enough, he got me a little netbook that I've been wanting to use for school! I'm very excited to use that!
One thing that does suck is that I realized how old I've gotten. I am taking a Bio class and yesterday a classmate and I were talking about our notes. I thought I would fall over from old age when I saw that she dotted her "i"s with hearts......um....not that I ever did that, but I do recall thinking it was SO cute when I was 15 or 16. I'm at least 10 years older than everyone in that class.
Oh well it's better to be 27 working on a degree for my future than to be 27 with no ambition.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
I love Elijah
he is so sweet. He is smiling just about all the time. Those who said your child's smile melt the heart was absolutely right!
So much has happened since I last blogged. We took Elijah on his first road trip to see his great grandma in Lake City Iowa. I'm glad Brad's grandmother got to see her great grandson, but if we had to do it again, I don't think I would. It is normally a 7 hour drive and we stopped many times obviously, but not enough. The last 100 miles home was AWFUL. He was crying, I was crying. All he wanted was to be held.
That was our adventure last weekend.
I started school last week also. This has become a challenge to get up in time to drop Elijah off at Becky's house so I can be at class at 8. Waking up early isn't the problem (we're normally up by 6ish -- I mean, Elijah is normally WAKING me up; I don't get up that early on my own free will) :)
So, anyway, the challenge is trying to get everything he needs for Becky. Although she has everything he may need at her house since she's about to pop out my niece in the next week or so. I'm also struggling trying to find time and a place at school to pump. I need help with this big time. Going to the bathroom is so disgusting to me, but I don't have time to go anywhere else...ugh....needless to say I was engorged all last week during school. thank God I remembered breast pads at least.
Elijah is now in his 6th week. So as I read, this explains his endless nursing and sleeping. He was getting on a pretty good routine nursing every 3-3.5 hours during the day and giving me at least a 5-6 hour stretch at night.
Well, now it is every 2 hours or LESS! He better have grown so much today that he's crawling tomorrow!!! j/k....I'm definitely not ready for that yet.
So much has happened since I last blogged. We took Elijah on his first road trip to see his great grandma in Lake City Iowa. I'm glad Brad's grandmother got to see her great grandson, but if we had to do it again, I don't think I would. It is normally a 7 hour drive and we stopped many times obviously, but not enough. The last 100 miles home was AWFUL. He was crying, I was crying. All he wanted was to be held.
That was our adventure last weekend.
I started school last week also. This has become a challenge to get up in time to drop Elijah off at Becky's house so I can be at class at 8. Waking up early isn't the problem (we're normally up by 6ish -- I mean, Elijah is normally WAKING me up; I don't get up that early on my own free will) :)
So, anyway, the challenge is trying to get everything he needs for Becky. Although she has everything he may need at her house since she's about to pop out my niece in the next week or so. I'm also struggling trying to find time and a place at school to pump. I need help with this big time. Going to the bathroom is so disgusting to me, but I don't have time to go anywhere else...ugh....needless to say I was engorged all last week during school. thank God I remembered breast pads at least.
Elijah is now in his 6th week. So as I read, this explains his endless nursing and sleeping. He was getting on a pretty good routine nursing every 3-3.5 hours during the day and giving me at least a 5-6 hour stretch at night.
Well, now it is every 2 hours or LESS! He better have grown so much today that he's crawling tomorrow!!! j/k....I'm definitely not ready for that yet.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Time does fly, doesn't it.
I can't believe how fast time has gone since Elijah has been born. He is getting so big. And while I love discovering the new things he learning and doing, part of me is sad that it's all going so fast. I really am trying to cherish every moment.
Some of my favorite things is how he stays asleep in the middle of the night diaper changes but moves so violently with a poetic look on his face. How anyone can stay asleep when their butt is getting wiped with an ice cold cloth is beyond me...
I love when he gets tired he burrows his face in my chest and shakes his head back and forth.
I LOVE, LOVE when he smiles at me. I love it.
I hope to get a good photo soon!
I love that he and I have identical nostrils.
I love he has thin ears like me.
I love when he roots his hands.
I love when he doesn't latch well during nursing sometime it makes him so angry he farts. seriously...almost everytime
I love all of his facial expressions.
I love the times he's exploded out of his diaper creating so much love and laughter out of poo.
I love it when he talks to himself when he is lying down alone.
These are just a few things I can think of off the top of my head that make my heart melt. I know as he grows up there will be more things to love, but I just don't want to miss a thing.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Look at my amazing Tootum Pie!
Sarah Holst (Fresh Blend Media) was so kind to come out and take photos of Elijah. She was so generous to come and take them. The photos are AMAZING! Sometimes I'll catch myself looking at the photos when I have the real thing in my arms. Thank you Sarah. They are great photos (especially since he was cranky the whole time!)

Our little crank pants

I doubt he was smiling, but since that what he looks like he's doing, this is my favorite pic :)

He is so beautiful!

He's giving us the Emma eyebrows! I love it!!

Our little crank pants

I doubt he was smiling, but since that what he looks like he's doing, this is my favorite pic :)

He is so beautiful!

He's giving us the Emma eyebrows! I love it!!
Thank you SO much for the beautiful photos. We love them!
Monday, August 10, 2009
I guess Monday is blog day
You'd think I'd have more time on the weekends with more people around to hold the little guy. But then again, blogging never makes it up the priority list either.
Our little Tootum Pie started cracking smiles yesterday!! We tried to capture it on camera, but of course he stopped. I can't wait to see him smile all the time. It was so sweet!! Another milestone is that he is rolling over!
Saturday he rolled over onto his stomach while at my mom's house. It actually freaked me out because he rolled from his blanket to face-plant himself onto newly installed carpet. -- Carpet adhesive is VERY unfriendly to the environment, and babies (even adults!).
So I thought it was just a random, one time thing because he isn't even 4 weeks old yet. But he did it again this morning! What a stinker. I leave him on my bed to go to the bathroom, and there he did it again, rolled himself on his tummy. It's exciting, but just another thing to make me worry about :)
I worry too much....
I'm feeling great. Exactly 3 weeks postpardom I stopped needing to wear pads or liners. I was really worried about the recovery process before having him, but I was really fortunate.
Breastfeeding is going much better. The past few days we haven't really needed to use the nipple shield...but it's also bittersweet. He has been going through his growth spurt and wanting to nurse every two hours now....so I'm pretty sore. The good news is, is that he is still only waking up one time in the middle of the night. Our last late night feeding is around 1o:30, he wakes up between 2 and 3 am, and then 6 am. I hope in the next few weeks he can go without that 2/3 feeding! I think I can handle 10:30-6am sleep. Actually, it's perfect because when school starts in the next few weeks I will have to leave by 7:15 in the morning.
Now, finding someone who can watch him while Becky's little Aubrey makes her debut is another story....
--- Naptime appears its coming to a close. I'll hopefully blog again before Monday.
Our little Tootum Pie started cracking smiles yesterday!! We tried to capture it on camera, but of course he stopped. I can't wait to see him smile all the time. It was so sweet!! Another milestone is that he is rolling over!
Saturday he rolled over onto his stomach while at my mom's house. It actually freaked me out because he rolled from his blanket to face-plant himself onto newly installed carpet. -- Carpet adhesive is VERY unfriendly to the environment, and babies (even adults!).
So I thought it was just a random, one time thing because he isn't even 4 weeks old yet. But he did it again this morning! What a stinker. I leave him on my bed to go to the bathroom, and there he did it again, rolled himself on his tummy. It's exciting, but just another thing to make me worry about :)
I worry too much....
I'm feeling great. Exactly 3 weeks postpardom I stopped needing to wear pads or liners. I was really worried about the recovery process before having him, but I was really fortunate.
Breastfeeding is going much better. The past few days we haven't really needed to use the nipple shield...but it's also bittersweet. He has been going through his growth spurt and wanting to nurse every two hours now....so I'm pretty sore. The good news is, is that he is still only waking up one time in the middle of the night. Our last late night feeding is around 1o:30, he wakes up between 2 and 3 am, and then 6 am. I hope in the next few weeks he can go without that 2/3 feeding! I think I can handle 10:30-6am sleep. Actually, it's perfect because when school starts in the next few weeks I will have to leave by 7:15 in the morning.
Now, finding someone who can watch him while Becky's little Aubrey makes her debut is another story....
--- Naptime appears its coming to a close. I'll hopefully blog again before Monday.
Monday, August 3, 2009
not too easy to blog these days...
I have to document the funniest thing. Elijah enjoys laying down and checking out his surroundings. Well, part of his surrounding would include the little mullet he some how grew (must have been Brad's genes) :)
The little stinker finds his hair and pulls it until he cries! What's so funny is that he doesn't let go, he clenches his fists tighter and pulls hard, making him cry harder! It's funny, but not....okay, I love him dearly, but it is hilarious! I hope I can get a video of him doing it. Here's a photo though.
Soooooo sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!
The little stinker finds his hair and pulls it until he cries! What's so funny is that he doesn't let go, he clenches his fists tighter and pulls hard, making him cry harder! It's funny, but not....okay, I love him dearly, but it is hilarious! I hope I can get a video of him doing it. Here's a photo though.
Soooooo sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!
Aside from his hair pulling, I feel so busy ALL the time! The only moments of down time, are during his naps (or when Brad has him a bit) - but even during nap time (like right now) I am catching up on all kinds of housework it seems. I will admit that I do like it though, because I get to do things my way all the time and keep it that way.
Eijah is so wonderful. Some nights he doesn't even cry if I can catch his needs soon enough. All he needs is to eat and be changed and occasionally want to be snuggled and held instead of staying in the co-sleeper thingie. Breastfeeding is still kind of up and down most days, although I am excited that I can nurse without the shield more often now...depending on his mood and how hard he wants to work. At night I don't even battle him, I just want him to eat and go right back to bed.
The past few days have been strange though...he will nurse for OVER an hour. I guess it was a growth spurt? -- as long as his poops are yellow, I don't care
I've also been trying to moderately follow the Baby Wise sleeping schedule. It's pretty easy so far, and I guess it's working a bit because Elijah will sleep 4 1/2 - 5 hours at night. It's normally 10:30 - 3 am. I start school at the end of the month, so I am nervous about how to regulate his schedule in the morning before I have to leave for class by 7:15 (and that doesn't include the time I will have to take him somewhere to be watched for those few hours -- no one was kidding around when they said you won't sleep anymore).
That's about it in my world lately. I am just so surprised at how much I love him. It grows every day...I may burst soon. :D
My super sweet family :)
Aunt Steefie and Elijah
Aunt Beequee!
Me, my Magoo (Emma) and my little Tootum Pie!
Monday, July 27, 2009
finally a peaceful moment
Today has been kind of nuts. Poor little Elijah was all backwards. Everytime I'd get him to go to sleep something would wake him - including his massive poop explosion.

Our weekend was pretty interesting. Friday we just hung out at home, just the three of us. I'd like to say it was a nice bit of family time, but we were all so tired we zoned out the whole night.
Saturday was a very eventful day. The three of us went out to look at cars. Believe it or not Brad's Jetta does not fit the car seat safely in his car!! My little 2 door Mercedes is a safer ride for Elijah. So we ended buying a car....not exactly in the plan, but it happened and we are happy. We ended up with a new 09 Hyundai Sonata. It's not the most exciting car in the world, but the price fits our budget, the warrenty gives us piece of mind and the car seat fits in the back - SAFELY!

Sunday we went to lunch with Brad's parents and Logan (Natalie and Tim went to the wineries, damn them...j/k, I know my time will come)
It definitely creates quite an attraction walking in with two babies aroud the same age. To be honest the attention creeps me out a little. I know that 99.999999% of the time people are mostly good. I just worry about that fraction of a percent of people who would try to harm me/us. --- I should probably note that I am NOT crazy...I just finished watching some CRIME-TV, so that's why I'm a little over the top right now...
I think my peaceful moment is coming to an end soon....but who cares, look how sweet he is (he is rooting for his hands under there...)
I love him :)
Friday, July 24, 2009
1st doctor appt
Thing went pretty well today (his dr appt was the 24th - I couldn't finish the blog until now)Luckily my mom was able to go with me because I felt insecure leaving Elijah in the backseat alone. -- No, not because I am a psycho, overprotective mother yet -- but because the car seat does not allow him to recline enough, so his poor little neck strains to keep his head up. (We fixed that problem today).
Dr. Sato did his check on him and found him to be perfectly healthy! He was completely shocked to see how well he can hold his head up, and estatic to find out that he has gained 12 ounces! He now weighs 7 pounds 4 oz. He said babies that are 3-4 weeks old will gain this amount!! -- This however did not excite Brad as much as me (he's already nervous Elijah has a double chin) :)
I'm just glad to know that nursing is going well enough to sustain him! We still have to go back and forth with the nipple shield. Some days are better than others (or Eli is lazier sometimes) and we have to use it. I'm getting over it really quickly that I have to use it. Whatever makes him healthiest, makes me happiest.
So after his doctor's appointment we went to lunch with Brad and made a quick stop so his Nana could buy him some blankets (she was completely embarrassed I took him out with the blankets from the hospital --- what? They are the best kind to swaddle him with...)
After that we waited for Becky to have her 34 week check up with Dr. Chen. I nursed Elijah in the car while my mom went to the appt with Becky. After he was finished and had a full tummy, I decided to drive him around a bit and put him to sleep...that really didn't work out to great. #1, I'm and idiot and decided to drive around the parking garage, circle after circle after circle....so he got pretty cranky, enough for me to take him out of his seat and soothe him. Well, he was soothed quite well after he threw up ALL over me...I then learned that I also need extra clothes in the diaper bag.
All in all it was a pretty full day, we were both glad to be home!
Dr. Sato did his check on him and found him to be perfectly healthy! He was completely shocked to see how well he can hold his head up, and estatic to find out that he has gained 12 ounces! He now weighs 7 pounds 4 oz. He said babies that are 3-4 weeks old will gain this amount!! -- This however did not excite Brad as much as me (he's already nervous Elijah has a double chin) :)
I'm just glad to know that nursing is going well enough to sustain him! We still have to go back and forth with the nipple shield. Some days are better than others (or Eli is lazier sometimes) and we have to use it. I'm getting over it really quickly that I have to use it. Whatever makes him healthiest, makes me happiest.
So after his doctor's appointment we went to lunch with Brad and made a quick stop so his Nana could buy him some blankets (she was completely embarrassed I took him out with the blankets from the hospital --- what? They are the best kind to swaddle him with...)
After that we waited for Becky to have her 34 week check up with Dr. Chen. I nursed Elijah in the car while my mom went to the appt with Becky. After he was finished and had a full tummy, I decided to drive him around a bit and put him to sleep...that really didn't work out to great. #1, I'm and idiot and decided to drive around the parking garage, circle after circle after circle....so he got pretty cranky, enough for me to take him out of his seat and soothe him. Well, he was soothed quite well after he threw up ALL over me...I then learned that I also need extra clothes in the diaper bag.
All in all it was a pretty full day, we were both glad to be home!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
One week ago...
Elijah was born! I can't believe one week has come and gone all ready. So far so good (knock on wood someone...) Breastfeeding has been a challenge, but we're slowly getting the hang of that together (thanks Amy for the shield!). I was a little disappointed I had to use a breastshield to get him to latch on properly, but we're working on not using that when we can - besides, all I care is that he is getting what is best for him, and that would be breastmilk.
I can't say there is a pattern yet. He's hungry about every 2-3 hours and has a poo just about each time. It's remarkable to see the changes in him already. He is staying alert a lot more during the day (I say a lot more -- probably just a few hours total).
For me, I am happy to say that I have lost 25 of the 32 pounds I've gain so far! Good for me!!
So here is a before and after...I always loved seeing everyone's B/A postpardom shots...
So there we have it...
I have "the" pair of jeans calling my name from my closet, so here's my declaration to wearing those in the next few weeks.
All in all, I must say I had my FAVORITE moment this morning. All three of us were in bed before Brad's alarm went off. I've never felt so much love than I did when I saw my family in that quietness and stillness. Elijah was sleeping and Brad was gently cuddling and holding him with his hand. It really hit me that this is my family we've created.
It's so incredible, and I am so very lucky.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Elijah is here!!!!!!!
And we are home! He arrived July 15th, at 7:09 am.
So, now I will finish the labor story I started a few days ago

I tried SO hard to get comfortable on the couch, on the birth ball, in the tub, in the shower assuming I was STILL in the latent labor phase. My contractions never became time-able and regular. Eventually we just headed to bed around 11:00 and I tried to sleep them off. Around 11:30 Brad was snoring so loud he didn't hear a thing around him, so I got into the tub. No relief there. At that point I was so upset that I was still in latent labor (so I thought anyway) I wanted some help. Brad might not appreciate this next part too much, but it's part of the story nonetheless :)
I started getting really upset that I was in so much pain and I couldn't find any relief and my labor coach was snoring away. I woke him up and asked him what I could do and he told me to sit on the exercise ball --WHAT?? What's my coach there for then??? So I started to get so upset thinking that no one could help me. I tried the ball, I tried walking, I tried anything I could. And I'm still thinking "Dear God, this is still only early labor??" I thought this because my contractions were not but 6 minutes apart and they were not consistent with intensity or timing.
I decided my Bradley birth was no longer an option. I wanted some help, and I wanted it right then. So I woke Brad up and ordered him to take me to the hospital. I was so upset that I didn't know what to do, he didn't know what to do so I just wanted to be someplace where they knew what was happening to me. Brad was reluctant at first - trying to coax me into a walk, and trying regain his coaching status. I was too upset that this wasn't the labor/birth story I wanted so I demanded to be taken to the hospital to have some kind of pain relief.
The car ride to the hospital I was having contractions equal in intensity about 4 minutes apart. The contractions I had in the car ride were the worst yet. I think profanity was my only vocabulary at that point. We arrived at MOBAP Hospital about 2:00 in the morning and went into triage room 4. I was so scared, I knew I was only dilated to a 2 or 3. The nurse checked me in, asked me a million questions as I paused in-between contractions. FINALLY she checked me, which had to be one of the most uncomfortable exams ever...but it was the most beautiful. I was 100% effaced and dilated to a 7! yes, a 7!! Not only that, they couldn't find my bag of water! Thinking back now, I assume it broke while I was in the tub, because that's when the pain became incredible.
I cried for joy when I heard that magic number. She asked me if I intended to have an epidural, I told her no, but if I needed it what was the latest I could get it. She said as long as I was able to sit still I could get one.
Probably one of the worst experiences was getting stuck 4 times to get my heplock (sp?). Those nurses were wonderful, but they just couldn't get a good stick in my vein. After the 4th stick they decided that they would just leave what they had. It was unfortunate because for some reason a comforting thing to me is to have wrists squeezed, and now with all those needle sticks that relaxation idea was not going to work.
Either way I was still so elated. I was only 3 cm away from kissing my baby's lips! -- well, 3 cm and a good rub down to remove any birthing goo--
Brad and I were so excited we called everyone. In my birth plan I only wanted Brad present, but that changed. My mom, Stephanie, Brad's mom and dad arrived. They were there in the room during my labor, and it was comforting to me somehow. I was alert and social in between contractions and it was kind of nice to have them as a distraction, at least for that next hour. The contractions became more and more intense. I labored in the shower for around 45 minutes and asked to be checked because I started to feel more pressure. I was an 8 (which was kind of disappointing) but in the plus stations (I can't remember what station exactly). I got out of the shower and took a lap around L&D with Brad to try and help my dilation progress. However the birthing/exercise ball was my greatest relief -- along with the greatest birth partner ever. Brad definitely regained his coaching status and helped me more than he will ever know. He massaged my back, held my hair, did things I'm sure I'll never remember. All I know is that I am grateful and couldn't have done it without him.
Around 6:00 am I was feeling intense pressure, I kept telling the nurse I wanted to poop. She checked me and said I still had a little bit of cervix left but the baby was very low. She called Dr. Chen and he said it was okay to start pushing and he would be on his way. At 6:30 I was in pushing position lying on my left side. Brad had my left leg, my mom had my right. Steph and Christie had the cameras and Neal had slipped out of the room by then. I began pushing and didn't realize how hard it actually was. The pressure was so intense but it was so hard!! Everyone was encouraging me and cheering me on. Their cheers helped to encourage me, but what really did it was touching the baby’s head. I pushed with everything I had and his head came out. I looked down, freaked out, pushed two more time and was able to reach down and finish delivering Elijah at 7:09 am. (I made it through that with NO tearing and NO cutting -- Elijah however came out with the biggest cone head I'd ever seen)
We let his cord pulsate. Unfortunately it wasn't the 3 minutes we hoped, but because we chose to donate his cord blood they couldn't wait. Things after that were kind of a blur. I remember delivering the placenta and getting to take a peek at it but that's about it.
Now we come back to the awful vein sticks. It's routine to give pitocin to deliver the placenta and start the contracting of the uterus. Well, since my helplock was put in like crap my wrist ballooned up with fluid so I ripped it out. That left them to give me a shot in my leg to get the contractions started.
Never in the books did I read about the massaging of the uterus after birth. I suppose it's routine, but because I didn't have an IV bag full of pitocin they had to squeeze and push on it so hard (for nearly 2 hours, in 15 minute inetervals!). I have bruises on my stomach. I swear that hurt so bad. I just had to lay there and get punched in the gut and my vag would literally pour out blood. It made them nervous so they had to check on that quite often.
Eventually we were transferred to our room and started parenthood. I am falling so in love. I can't say it was love at first sight because I was still in shock from my med free birth. The pain was intense, but a distant memory now - already. I must also say that all the squatting that the Bradley method encourages must have saved me from any tearing during delivery. I am so grateful for that. Now here it is, 4 days later and I feel better than ever. The postpartum recovery has been a breeze (I didn’t even need the pain meds they offered at the hospital – just 2 IB profins those two days I was there!)
I have the most beautiful baby in the world and the sweetest husband I could ever ask for. I can't wait to start the new chapter of my life. Brad, Pattie and little-baby-to-be will officially become Brad, Pattie and Elijah!!!
So, now I will finish the labor story I started a few days ago

--- So bare with me, this will be a long blog ---
After the appointment with Dr. Chen on Tuesday the 14th I was one centimeter, 90% effaced. Brad took the rest of the day off with me luckily and just stayed with me. So Brad and I got comfortable and watched the All-Star game (ironically Dr. Chen was at the game, so he was probably hoping that I wouldn't go into labor that night) :)
As night fell, I was getting more and more uncomfortable, but again the contractions were sporadic - definitely more noticeable and painful, but not exactly time-able yet. Brad went and grabbed dinner (I wanted some hot wings to try the spicy food old wives tale). We ate and tried to get comfortable and wait for some kind of signal that it was time to go.
That time would come...let me tell you.
After the appointment with Dr. Chen on Tuesday the 14th I was one centimeter, 90% effaced. Brad took the rest of the day off with me luckily and just stayed with me. So Brad and I got comfortable and watched the All-Star game (ironically Dr. Chen was at the game, so he was probably hoping that I wouldn't go into labor that night) :)
As night fell, I was getting more and more uncomfortable, but again the contractions were sporadic - definitely more noticeable and painful, but not exactly time-able yet. Brad went and grabbed dinner (I wanted some hot wings to try the spicy food old wives tale). We ate and tried to get comfortable and wait for some kind of signal that it was time to go.
That time would come...let me tell you.
I tried SO hard to get comfortable on the couch, on the birth ball, in the tub, in the shower assuming I was STILL in the latent labor phase. My contractions never became time-able and regular. Eventually we just headed to bed around 11:00 and I tried to sleep them off. Around 11:30 Brad was snoring so loud he didn't hear a thing around him, so I got into the tub. No relief there. At that point I was so upset that I was still in latent labor (so I thought anyway) I wanted some help. Brad might not appreciate this next part too much, but it's part of the story nonetheless :)
I started getting really upset that I was in so much pain and I couldn't find any relief and my labor coach was snoring away. I woke him up and asked him what I could do and he told me to sit on the exercise ball --WHAT?? What's my coach there for then??? So I started to get so upset thinking that no one could help me. I tried the ball, I tried walking, I tried anything I could. And I'm still thinking "Dear God, this is still only early labor??" I thought this because my contractions were not but 6 minutes apart and they were not consistent with intensity or timing.
I decided my Bradley birth was no longer an option. I wanted some help, and I wanted it right then. So I woke Brad up and ordered him to take me to the hospital. I was so upset that I didn't know what to do, he didn't know what to do so I just wanted to be someplace where they knew what was happening to me. Brad was reluctant at first - trying to coax me into a walk, and trying regain his coaching status. I was too upset that this wasn't the labor/birth story I wanted so I demanded to be taken to the hospital to have some kind of pain relief.
The car ride to the hospital I was having contractions equal in intensity about 4 minutes apart. The contractions I had in the car ride were the worst yet. I think profanity was my only vocabulary at that point. We arrived at MOBAP Hospital about 2:00 in the morning and went into triage room 4. I was so scared, I knew I was only dilated to a 2 or 3. The nurse checked me in, asked me a million questions as I paused in-between contractions. FINALLY she checked me, which had to be one of the most uncomfortable exams ever...but it was the most beautiful. I was 100% effaced and dilated to a 7! yes, a 7!! Not only that, they couldn't find my bag of water! Thinking back now, I assume it broke while I was in the tub, because that's when the pain became incredible.
I cried for joy when I heard that magic number. She asked me if I intended to have an epidural, I told her no, but if I needed it what was the latest I could get it. She said as long as I was able to sit still I could get one.
Probably one of the worst experiences was getting stuck 4 times to get my heplock (sp?). Those nurses were wonderful, but they just couldn't get a good stick in my vein. After the 4th stick they decided that they would just leave what they had. It was unfortunate because for some reason a comforting thing to me is to have wrists squeezed, and now with all those needle sticks that relaxation idea was not going to work.
Either way I was still so elated. I was only 3 cm away from kissing my baby's lips! -- well, 3 cm and a good rub down to remove any birthing goo--
Brad and I were so excited we called everyone. In my birth plan I only wanted Brad present, but that changed. My mom, Stephanie, Brad's mom and dad arrived. They were there in the room during my labor, and it was comforting to me somehow. I was alert and social in between contractions and it was kind of nice to have them as a distraction, at least for that next hour. The contractions became more and more intense. I labored in the shower for around 45 minutes and asked to be checked because I started to feel more pressure. I was an 8 (which was kind of disappointing) but in the plus stations (I can't remember what station exactly). I got out of the shower and took a lap around L&D with Brad to try and help my dilation progress. However the birthing/exercise ball was my greatest relief -- along with the greatest birth partner ever. Brad definitely regained his coaching status and helped me more than he will ever know. He massaged my back, held my hair, did things I'm sure I'll never remember. All I know is that I am grateful and couldn't have done it without him.
Around 6:00 am I was feeling intense pressure, I kept telling the nurse I wanted to poop. She checked me and said I still had a little bit of cervix left but the baby was very low. She called Dr. Chen and he said it was okay to start pushing and he would be on his way. At 6:30 I was in pushing position lying on my left side. Brad had my left leg, my mom had my right. Steph and Christie had the cameras and Neal had slipped out of the room by then. I began pushing and didn't realize how hard it actually was. The pressure was so intense but it was so hard!! Everyone was encouraging me and cheering me on. Their cheers helped to encourage me, but what really did it was touching the baby’s head. I pushed with everything I had and his head came out. I looked down, freaked out, pushed two more time and was able to reach down and finish delivering Elijah at 7:09 am. (I made it through that with NO tearing and NO cutting -- Elijah however came out with the biggest cone head I'd ever seen)
We let his cord pulsate. Unfortunately it wasn't the 3 minutes we hoped, but because we chose to donate his cord blood they couldn't wait. Things after that were kind of a blur. I remember delivering the placenta and getting to take a peek at it but that's about it.
Now we come back to the awful vein sticks. It's routine to give pitocin to deliver the placenta and start the contracting of the uterus. Well, since my helplock was put in like crap my wrist ballooned up with fluid so I ripped it out. That left them to give me a shot in my leg to get the contractions started.
Never in the books did I read about the massaging of the uterus after birth. I suppose it's routine, but because I didn't have an IV bag full of pitocin they had to squeeze and push on it so hard (for nearly 2 hours, in 15 minute inetervals!). I have bruises on my stomach. I swear that hurt so bad. I just had to lay there and get punched in the gut and my vag would literally pour out blood. It made them nervous so they had to check on that quite often.
Eventually we were transferred to our room and started parenthood. I am falling so in love. I can't say it was love at first sight because I was still in shock from my med free birth. The pain was intense, but a distant memory now - already. I must also say that all the squatting that the Bradley method encourages must have saved me from any tearing during delivery. I am so grateful for that. Now here it is, 4 days later and I feel better than ever. The postpartum recovery has been a breeze (I didn’t even need the pain meds they offered at the hospital – just 2 IB profins those two days I was there!)
I have the most beautiful baby in the world and the sweetest husband I could ever ask for. I can't wait to start the new chapter of my life. Brad, Pattie and little-baby-to-be will officially become Brad, Pattie and Elijah!!!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Happy Birthday Becky, but NOT
happy birthday Elijah... :(
Yes, technically there are 7 hours left, and it could happen, but not likely. Everything is such a blur right now. Let me try and update. Last night I took my bath and was feeling contractions, I got out of the bath and was still feeling contractions. I decided to try and sleep them off and wait for something more significant.
12 am wakes me up with some.
1 am wakes me up with some.
2 am wakes me up with more painful ones. Painful enough Brad and I timed them on contraction master. By 3 am they started to become irregular again. They were 5 minutes apart, about a minute long. So I tried to go back to sleep.
4 am I wake up with even more uncomfortable ones. This time I let Brad try and sleep and timed them on my own while wiggling my hips on the exercise ball. The contractions were now around 4-5 minutes apart 45-60 seconds long and uncomfortable to the point I had to put more focus on getting through them (however still not the excruciating ones I envision). By 4:45 I was getting a little nervous and decided to call Dr. Chen's exchange. I had an appt with him at 11:30 today, so I didn't want to go in premature and just get sent home. He called me back within 10 minutes and advised me that it was my decision. I really didn't want to go and get sent home, so I tried to fall asleep again...yea, didn't happen. Actually laying down made them so much worse. So by 6:30 Brad is getting pretty antsy and wants to go to the hospital, but I know it's still early. So we decided to try and up our appt time when the offices opened. Well, Dr. Chen being so great called us and made us a time to come in at 9. So I ate a little, took a bath and started to notice the more active I became the more sporadic the contractions were becoming. -- This was pretty disappointing after the regular ones kept me up ALL night. Oh well, nonetheless we had an appointment we had to keep.
Dr. Chen checked me to find that I am 90% effaced and at 1 cm. I WANTED TO CRY. 1 cm....fan-freaking-tastic-progress I had there...
He did however assure us that he thinks active labor is just around the corner and I am in stage 1, latent labor. woo hoo I guess, but when I google latent labor and check the all knowing WTEWE book they say latent labor can be unnoticeable or feel like mild to moderate contractions or cramping. So now I feel completely defeated. I know I'm feeling ones that are a little painful....where is my quick labor that I've been hoping for - that everyone else seems to have gotten?? How am I the 'lucky' one to be given the mild/moderate contractions latent labor?? I guess what makes it worse is that I am just so stinking tired, and that makes me emotional which definitely doesn't help me manage anything.
The good news is that is is doing fine in there. His head is definitely smooshed down on my vag bits. We got an u/s to make sure had enough fluid (which he does) and he just seems so content in there. I can already tell he has chubby cheeks (although today they only estimated him to weigh 6 1/2 - 7 pounds). I can't wait to hold and kiss him.
I guess lucky for me the contractions today were not as frequent so I napped quite a bit to hopefully gain some rest for the active labor just around the corner. However they still came, woke me up and made me question active labor contractions.
Poor Becky. Today is her birthday, and normally I am more of a "rah rah, yea it's your birthday!" kind of person, but I barely said anything to her. (She was going into her appt with Dr. Chen as we were coming out). I'm sure she understands, but I still feel bad about it.
Come on baby, please come out to help me feel normal again...
Yes, technically there are 7 hours left, and it could happen, but not likely. Everything is such a blur right now. Let me try and update. Last night I took my bath and was feeling contractions, I got out of the bath and was still feeling contractions. I decided to try and sleep them off and wait for something more significant.
12 am wakes me up with some.
1 am wakes me up with some.
2 am wakes me up with more painful ones. Painful enough Brad and I timed them on contraction master. By 3 am they started to become irregular again. They were 5 minutes apart, about a minute long. So I tried to go back to sleep.
4 am I wake up with even more uncomfortable ones. This time I let Brad try and sleep and timed them on my own while wiggling my hips on the exercise ball. The contractions were now around 4-5 minutes apart 45-60 seconds long and uncomfortable to the point I had to put more focus on getting through them (however still not the excruciating ones I envision). By 4:45 I was getting a little nervous and decided to call Dr. Chen's exchange. I had an appt with him at 11:30 today, so I didn't want to go in premature and just get sent home. He called me back within 10 minutes and advised me that it was my decision. I really didn't want to go and get sent home, so I tried to fall asleep again...yea, didn't happen. Actually laying down made them so much worse. So by 6:30 Brad is getting pretty antsy and wants to go to the hospital, but I know it's still early. So we decided to try and up our appt time when the offices opened. Well, Dr. Chen being so great called us and made us a time to come in at 9. So I ate a little, took a bath and started to notice the more active I became the more sporadic the contractions were becoming. -- This was pretty disappointing after the regular ones kept me up ALL night. Oh well, nonetheless we had an appointment we had to keep.
Dr. Chen checked me to find that I am 90% effaced and at 1 cm. I WANTED TO CRY. 1 cm....fan-freaking-tastic-progress I had there...
He did however assure us that he thinks active labor is just around the corner and I am in stage 1, latent labor. woo hoo I guess, but when I google latent labor and check the all knowing WTEWE book they say latent labor can be unnoticeable or feel like mild to moderate contractions or cramping. So now I feel completely defeated. I know I'm feeling ones that are a little painful....where is my quick labor that I've been hoping for - that everyone else seems to have gotten?? How am I the 'lucky' one to be given the mild/moderate contractions latent labor?? I guess what makes it worse is that I am just so stinking tired, and that makes me emotional which definitely doesn't help me manage anything.
The good news is that is is doing fine in there. His head is definitely smooshed down on my vag bits. We got an u/s to make sure had enough fluid (which he does) and he just seems so content in there. I can already tell he has chubby cheeks (although today they only estimated him to weigh 6 1/2 - 7 pounds). I can't wait to hold and kiss him.
I guess lucky for me the contractions today were not as frequent so I napped quite a bit to hopefully gain some rest for the active labor just around the corner. However they still came, woke me up and made me question active labor contractions.
Poor Becky. Today is her birthday, and normally I am more of a "rah rah, yea it's your birthday!" kind of person, but I barely said anything to her. (She was going into her appt with Dr. Chen as we were coming out). I'm sure she understands, but I still feel bad about it.
Come on baby, please come out to help me feel normal again...
Monday, July 13, 2009
yep, still waiting.
Again, I woke up this morning around 4. Only this time it was contractions that woke me up, not having to pee. They were around 7 mintues apart lasting about a minute. These were a bit more uncomfortable (dare I even say a little painful??) than last night. I got up ate breakfast, moved around a little bit and finally got back to sleep around 6:30. I woke up around 9 (after I emailed and told my work I would not be coming in) and felt like CRAP. I don't know if it was lack of sleep and/or a combination of everything. All I knew is that I had to get up and start moving around. Luckily my mom came over and we straightened up my house a bit and planned to do get out of the house a bit. Well, after doing the dishes, taking out the trash, etc, etc I noticed that my mucus discharged had turned into the "bloody show". I didn't have any signs of blood yesterday, and so far today that's all there has been. Some has been red - but I'm not all that concerned.
After I padded up we had lunch with Brad and ran some errands. I was feeling some more contrax/cramps, but again nothing really measurable. So that's about it. I got home and busied myself a little bit and now I feel this baby move like he's never moved before. It's like he's digging an escape tunnel!!! What's even more remarkable is that I can physically see a difference in my baby bump from this morning! He has definitely dropped, and continues to do so as I type.
All signs point to labor soon, but we'll see. I visit Dr. Chen tomorrow and I hope he says "How did you go from not being dialated to a 6???" hahahaha, yea right. Here's to hoping. We're all kind of rooting for a delivery tomorrow, mostly because it's also Beequee's birthday too!! How cool would it be if my baby was born on her birthday and her baby was born on mine!? (Could happen mine is 8/31 and she is due 9/5)
After I padded up we had lunch with Brad and ran some errands. I was feeling some more contrax/cramps, but again nothing really measurable. So that's about it. I got home and busied myself a little bit and now I feel this baby move like he's never moved before. It's like he's digging an escape tunnel!!! What's even more remarkable is that I can physically see a difference in my baby bump from this morning! He has definitely dropped, and continues to do so as I type.
All signs point to labor soon, but we'll see. I visit Dr. Chen tomorrow and I hope he says "How did you go from not being dialated to a 6???" hahahaha, yea right. Here's to hoping. We're all kind of rooting for a delivery tomorrow, mostly because it's also Beequee's birthday too!! How cool would it be if my baby was born on her birthday and her baby was born on mine!? (Could happen mine is 8/31 and she is due 9/5)
Sunday, July 12, 2009
mucus plug update...
So it's been a pretty long day! After my last post I had a big bowl of cereal and slept until 9ish. I woke up super hungry again, so I made second-breakfast.
I was feeling okay, just a little crampy, but nothing to try and time. Stephanie came over because we had plans to visit Logan, Natalie and Tim. Logan is so sweet! It's really amazing how much he's changed in such as short time. I was really in awe of him too. All I could keep thinking is that I am going to have my own in a matter of days!!
Natalie found some baby pics of Brad!! I am way too excited to have them (I will scan them in as soon as I can - maybe at work tomorrow?) What's really funny is this weekend Steph told me she had two dreams about me. The first dream the baby had a head full of blond hair (Brad and I are both brunettes so not likely...) and the second dream she said my baby was born 15 pounds! Well, having never seen a baby pic of Brad before, you could have knocked me over with a feather when I saw how BLOND his hair was -- like bleach blond!!! It will be so ironic if the baby is born with a head full of blond hair...I'm sure I can handle that dream coming true a little bit better than the 15-pound baby dream!
So while at Natalie's I lost more goopiness. Afterwards we went to Walmart and I had more noticeable contractions and a LOT more goopiness came out. (thank goodness I thought to wear a pad) Later at my house Stephanie coaxed me to do some squats -- I did them in the bath tub for fear of having to clean up if my water broke -- :)
and after my squats more goo came out. Sorry if this is TMI people, but it's all part of the process.
So Brad and I went for a walk this evening and I've been timing uncomfortable contractions (not painful really) for the last 45 minutes or so. They are steadily 6-7 minutes apart and range from 35-50 seconds long. The ones I feel wrap around my back are much more uncomfortable and they last a little bit longer. So...anyway, I'm still not sure if this is labor or not. I figure since it doesn't hurt really bad I'm going to ignore them as long as possible. So It's now 10:15 in the evening and it's been 18-19 hours since the initial part of the plug fell out. If google info is right and first time moms go into labor after 48 hours or so, then hopefully it wont be long! -- but google also said it could be 3 weeks too
I was feeling okay, just a little crampy, but nothing to try and time. Stephanie came over because we had plans to visit Logan, Natalie and Tim. Logan is so sweet! It's really amazing how much he's changed in such as short time. I was really in awe of him too. All I could keep thinking is that I am going to have my own in a matter of days!!
Natalie found some baby pics of Brad!! I am way too excited to have them (I will scan them in as soon as I can - maybe at work tomorrow?) What's really funny is this weekend Steph told me she had two dreams about me. The first dream the baby had a head full of blond hair (Brad and I are both brunettes so not likely...) and the second dream she said my baby was born 15 pounds! Well, having never seen a baby pic of Brad before, you could have knocked me over with a feather when I saw how BLOND his hair was -- like bleach blond!!! It will be so ironic if the baby is born with a head full of blond hair...I'm sure I can handle that dream coming true a little bit better than the 15-pound baby dream!
So while at Natalie's I lost more goopiness. Afterwards we went to Walmart and I had more noticeable contractions and a LOT more goopiness came out. (thank goodness I thought to wear a pad) Later at my house Stephanie coaxed me to do some squats -- I did them in the bath tub for fear of having to clean up if my water broke -- :)
and after my squats more goo came out. Sorry if this is TMI people, but it's all part of the process.
So Brad and I went for a walk this evening and I've been timing uncomfortable contractions (not painful really) for the last 45 minutes or so. They are steadily 6-7 minutes apart and range from 35-50 seconds long. The ones I feel wrap around my back are much more uncomfortable and they last a little bit longer. So...anyway, I'm still not sure if this is labor or not. I figure since it doesn't hurt really bad I'm going to ignore them as long as possible. So It's now 10:15 in the evening and it's been 18-19 hours since the initial part of the plug fell out. If google info is right and first time moms go into labor after 48 hours or so, then hopefully it wont be long! -- but google also said it could be 3 weeks too
7/11 has come and gone...
On a good note I will not remember my child's birthday thinking of a mini-mart/gas station :)
I'm not going to lie, I was pretty frustrated yesterday, at least hoping for some type "sign" that things are still moving along. Nothing really, however Stephanie and I got a really nice pedicure...I should have treated myself a long time ago. After that I went to the baby store and picked up some random things. I guess I was just trying to busy myself since Brad always has somewhere to be (Baseball again).
Later on I met at a BBQ and hung out for a bit, got advice from moms (and some sympathy too). After I had enough baby/birth/labor/bla-de-bla-blabla talk, Mary and I went to dinner and chatted about our normal issues. I went home, found that I had to clean up piss from the oriental rug my mom gave us (yeaaa....Brad left tipsy out, again - so I had to clean up piss/shit again - )
So that was the perfect ending to a due-date kind of day.
Oh, I did buy some red raspberry leaf tea and had a cup of that and watched my all time favorite Bridget Jones' Diary before falling asleep. The tea was actually good!
Well this morning was a different story. I woke up around 4:30 like normal to go pee and just had really uncomfortable back/menstrual pains. I tried to lay back down and decided that bath sounded better. Before I get into the bath, out came part of my plug! It was not as disgusting as I thought. So I sat in the bath and had a freak out moment trying to figure out how to escape the pending labor/motherhood for a few minutes - but eventually I was able to relax myself. So after my bath I decided to try and lay back down in bed, but as soon as I did the more uncomfortable I felt. I then decided to walk the neighborhood for about 20 minutes until I realized I was starving. So now here I am, realizing that true labor could still be far away, but can't help but feel a little excitement and fear.
For now, It's 6:15 am, I'm going to drink some more tea, eat my cereal and try to go back to sleep.
I'm not going to lie, I was pretty frustrated yesterday, at least hoping for some type "sign" that things are still moving along. Nothing really, however Stephanie and I got a really nice pedicure...I should have treated myself a long time ago. After that I went to the baby store and picked up some random things. I guess I was just trying to busy myself since Brad always has somewhere to be (Baseball again).
Later on I met at a BBQ and hung out for a bit, got advice from moms (and some sympathy too). After I had enough baby/birth/labor/bla-de-bla-blabla talk, Mary and I went to dinner and chatted about our normal issues. I went home, found that I had to clean up piss from the oriental rug my mom gave us (yeaaa....Brad left tipsy out, again - so I had to clean up piss/shit again - )
So that was the perfect ending to a due-date kind of day.
Oh, I did buy some red raspberry leaf tea and had a cup of that and watched my all time favorite Bridget Jones' Diary before falling asleep. The tea was actually good!
Well this morning was a different story. I woke up around 4:30 like normal to go pee and just had really uncomfortable back/menstrual pains. I tried to lay back down and decided that bath sounded better. Before I get into the bath, out came part of my plug! It was not as disgusting as I thought. So I sat in the bath and had a freak out moment trying to figure out how to escape the pending labor/motherhood for a few minutes - but eventually I was able to relax myself. So after my bath I decided to try and lay back down in bed, but as soon as I did the more uncomfortable I felt. I then decided to walk the neighborhood for about 20 minutes until I realized I was starving. So now here I am, realizing that true labor could still be far away, but can't help but feel a little excitement and fear.
For now, It's 6:15 am, I'm going to drink some more tea, eat my cereal and try to go back to sleep.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Really, just one day??
yea right. I don't see anything moving along yet....It will be a miracle if I have the baby tomorrow...
It's okay though, it gives me time to get my act together. Since my dragon episode things have been better in that regard (dr. told me to take one pepcid ac before bed). However my nickel allergy started kicking in again.
Yesterday while I was sitting here at work my whole right hand and forearm swelled and broke out into teeny ITCHY bumps. This happened to me early in the pregnancy. I went to my dermatologist who said it was just eczema and prescribed me a steroid that Walgreen's pharmacy REFUSED to give to me because it was a category X. --- Yea, so obviously I will never go back to my dermatologist again (she knew I was pregnant). I bring this up because it fueled my research that I DO NOT BELIEVE IN ECZEMA.
It may be a legit diagnosis for some, but for me I think it's BS. It's a doctor's way of saying "We don't know what the hell is wrong with you, so you just have this "eczema" we can clear up with a steroid". Come to find out, I was right. I don't have eczema I have a nickel allergy SO bad that when I was slathering myself in cocoa butter early 2nd trimester, I was absorbing too much nickel naturally found in cocoa....interesting isn't it. As soon as I stopped the Palmer's, my itch was gone.
So back to yesterday. I'm freaking out again....well it didn't take me long to figure out that my problem was right on my desk. I have been addicted to eating sunflower seeds while I'm at work. Sunflower seed are super high in nickel....so needless to say I have been chewing gum today, and not seeds and my itch is almost gone.
I bring up this story because it got me thinking of other things I'm allergic too. I went to an allergist a few years ago to find out how severe my nickel allergy was and found out I was also allergic to -caine medications. This had me concerned, because just in case I have to be induced with labor and it's too intense for me to go through without pain management, I don't want to be stabbed in my back with a drug I'm allergic to. So, I called my allergist and of course nothing is ever easy with medical requests, right?
He had since moved locations, I'm no longer current in their system so they don't have my records. I have to call XYZ to get my info. So I called and you could just tell the lady on the other end of the phone HATES her job. I told her I need my records and it will take 30 days just to process my request, is what she tells me.
To my amazement, I told her my circumstances, "I'm due Saturday, and I know I should have considered this earlier, but I'm afraid I'm allergic to medicine they will administer during labor" She replied, "Oh sweetheart I don't want anything to happen to you or your baby, so you come by tomorrow and I'll have them at the front desk for you."
my jaw dropped. I learned my lesson...don't be too quick to judge. So now I feel pretty relieved that I will have my allergy information, just in case I need an epi. Also, I LOVE my hospital. I called yesterday to find out exactly what drugs are used in the epidurals. They had to transfer me to a few people before they got someone who could help, but I got my info (I'll start researching tonight).
Basically they numb with bupivocaine (I'm allergic) and the epi itself is a mixture of Fenanyl and Sufentanil --- I'm not sure what that means at all, but I'll figure it out :)
So that's my latest scoop. We went to dinner last night with Brad's mom and dad, my mom, George, Steph, Allison, Becky, Jon and Emma to celebrate Brad graduating college and a going away for George (he left today for Virginia DEA school). So it was kind of bitter sweet I suppose.
So now I'm off to meet this wonderful lady Angie who dug up my medical records because she cares about me and my baby. Then I'm off to get every natural induction idea google has ever had to offer...
It's okay though, it gives me time to get my act together. Since my dragon episode things have been better in that regard (dr. told me to take one pepcid ac before bed). However my nickel allergy started kicking in again.
Yesterday while I was sitting here at work my whole right hand and forearm swelled and broke out into teeny ITCHY bumps. This happened to me early in the pregnancy. I went to my dermatologist who said it was just eczema and prescribed me a steroid that Walgreen's pharmacy REFUSED to give to me because it was a category X. --- Yea, so obviously I will never go back to my dermatologist again (she knew I was pregnant). I bring this up because it fueled my research that I DO NOT BELIEVE IN ECZEMA.
It may be a legit diagnosis for some, but for me I think it's BS. It's a doctor's way of saying "We don't know what the hell is wrong with you, so you just have this "eczema" we can clear up with a steroid". Come to find out, I was right. I don't have eczema I have a nickel allergy SO bad that when I was slathering myself in cocoa butter early 2nd trimester, I was absorbing too much nickel naturally found in cocoa....interesting isn't it. As soon as I stopped the Palmer's, my itch was gone.
So back to yesterday. I'm freaking out again....well it didn't take me long to figure out that my problem was right on my desk. I have been addicted to eating sunflower seeds while I'm at work. Sunflower seed are super high in nickel....so needless to say I have been chewing gum today, and not seeds and my itch is almost gone.
I bring up this story because it got me thinking of other things I'm allergic too. I went to an allergist a few years ago to find out how severe my nickel allergy was and found out I was also allergic to -caine medications. This had me concerned, because just in case I have to be induced with labor and it's too intense for me to go through without pain management, I don't want to be stabbed in my back with a drug I'm allergic to. So, I called my allergist and of course nothing is ever easy with medical requests, right?
He had since moved locations, I'm no longer current in their system so they don't have my records. I have to call XYZ to get my info. So I called and you could just tell the lady on the other end of the phone HATES her job. I told her I need my records and it will take 30 days just to process my request, is what she tells me.
To my amazement, I told her my circumstances, "I'm due Saturday, and I know I should have considered this earlier, but I'm afraid I'm allergic to medicine they will administer during labor" She replied, "Oh sweetheart I don't want anything to happen to you or your baby, so you come by tomorrow and I'll have them at the front desk for you."
my jaw dropped. I learned my lesson...don't be too quick to judge. So now I feel pretty relieved that I will have my allergy information, just in case I need an epi. Also, I LOVE my hospital. I called yesterday to find out exactly what drugs are used in the epidurals. They had to transfer me to a few people before they got someone who could help, but I got my info (I'll start researching tonight).
Basically they numb with bupivocaine (I'm allergic) and the epi itself is a mixture of Fenanyl and Sufentanil --- I'm not sure what that means at all, but I'll figure it out :)
So that's my latest scoop. We went to dinner last night with Brad's mom and dad, my mom, George, Steph, Allison, Becky, Jon and Emma to celebrate Brad graduating college and a going away for George (he left today for Virginia DEA school). So it was kind of bitter sweet I suppose.
So now I'm off to meet this wonderful lady Angie who dug up my medical records because she cares about me and my baby. Then I'm off to get every natural induction idea google has ever had to offer...
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
The worst night of my life
was last night.
Early evening everything was pretty good. Brad and I went on a nice walk through New Town, got back home and just relaxed. I made brownies to have waiting for me after the walk (mmmmm, by the way). Around 10:30 it started. I felt a fire brewing in my chest and throat. I had only felt heartburn/indigestion once before and I think it was during my second trimester.
I consulted the pregos on thebump.com and they suggested to get tums, drink milk, etc.
I decided to try and go to sleep and since we didn't have any tums in the house. I did my mom's trick and swallowed a little bit of arm and hammer baking soda just to take the edge off the burning.
3:00 am rolls around. DEAR LORD. That was the most awful, horrifying experience I'd ever felt. It was really like I was a fire breathing dragon and hot liquid lava was pouring out of my throat, mouth and nose. I couldn't take it. I threw my shirt on, a pair of pants and drove like a bat out of hell to find some kind of relief at the closest gas station.
The attendant must have felt so bad for me. I'm bawling my eyes out, I realize my shirt is on backwards and I am grabbing every roll of tums and Rolaids that they have. I grab a bottle of milk, pay and the attendant wishes me best of luck and hopes I feel better. On my way home I called Beequee because I know she suffered heartburn with Emma pretty bad, and she said the only thing I can do is eat tums and sit up right. (I felt bad calling her, because after her full-moon-labor-prediction I probably just teased her with my 3:15 am phone call about how I'd become a fire breathing dragon)
I had eaten a half a roll of tums by the time I got home, drank half my milk when I realized that my throat was so burned that the cold milk was not offering any relief - I really didn't even feel it going down!
So I made myself comfortable in the closet, sat on a pillow and fell asleep propped up on my exercise ball. That worked for about an hour, then I moved to the couch and propped myself up on pillows and finally got some sleep.
The whole time during this fiasco the stupid Incubus song is going through my head...
::pardon me while I burst, into flames:::
I woke up thinking it was all over. WRONG. After I brushed my teeth I spewed more liquid lava from the depths of my acid reservoir. It is so awful. I can't imagine people that have to deal with this on a frequent basis.
I was talking to Cara today about my episode last night and she told me how she suffered the same thing only it was her gallbladder giving her the problem. This concerned me because I know my mom had to her gallbladder removed after delivering me because of similar symptoms. I'm fairly healthly, so I'm not concerned that I have the same issue. But it is concerning enough that I will call Dr. Chen -- I've eaten 4 tums since beginning this blog -- He mentioned getting an u/s on my next visit, so I'll ask if he can just take a peak and make sure that it looks normal.
Until then I will eat no more shit food. I'm going to go to the farmers market and eat fresh, whole foods as much as possible.
What sucks even more!! Is that I know I was having contractions last night, but I was too wrapped up in my dragon issues to even start to get excited about them....I'll pay more attention today.
Early evening everything was pretty good. Brad and I went on a nice walk through New Town, got back home and just relaxed. I made brownies to have waiting for me after the walk (mmmmm, by the way). Around 10:30 it started. I felt a fire brewing in my chest and throat. I had only felt heartburn/indigestion once before and I think it was during my second trimester.
I consulted the pregos on thebump.com and they suggested to get tums, drink milk, etc.
I decided to try and go to sleep and since we didn't have any tums in the house. I did my mom's trick and swallowed a little bit of arm and hammer baking soda just to take the edge off the burning.
3:00 am rolls around. DEAR LORD. That was the most awful, horrifying experience I'd ever felt. It was really like I was a fire breathing dragon and hot liquid lava was pouring out of my throat, mouth and nose. I couldn't take it. I threw my shirt on, a pair of pants and drove like a bat out of hell to find some kind of relief at the closest gas station.
The attendant must have felt so bad for me. I'm bawling my eyes out, I realize my shirt is on backwards and I am grabbing every roll of tums and Rolaids that they have. I grab a bottle of milk, pay and the attendant wishes me best of luck and hopes I feel better. On my way home I called Beequee because I know she suffered heartburn with Emma pretty bad, and she said the only thing I can do is eat tums and sit up right. (I felt bad calling her, because after her full-moon-labor-prediction I probably just teased her with my 3:15 am phone call about how I'd become a fire breathing dragon)
I had eaten a half a roll of tums by the time I got home, drank half my milk when I realized that my throat was so burned that the cold milk was not offering any relief - I really didn't even feel it going down!
So I made myself comfortable in the closet, sat on a pillow and fell asleep propped up on my exercise ball. That worked for about an hour, then I moved to the couch and propped myself up on pillows and finally got some sleep.
The whole time during this fiasco the stupid Incubus song is going through my head...
::pardon me while I burst, into flames:::
I woke up thinking it was all over. WRONG. After I brushed my teeth I spewed more liquid lava from the depths of my acid reservoir. It is so awful. I can't imagine people that have to deal with this on a frequent basis.
I was talking to Cara today about my episode last night and she told me how she suffered the same thing only it was her gallbladder giving her the problem. This concerned me because I know my mom had to her gallbladder removed after delivering me because of similar symptoms. I'm fairly healthly, so I'm not concerned that I have the same issue. But it is concerning enough that I will call Dr. Chen -- I've eaten 4 tums since beginning this blog -- He mentioned getting an u/s on my next visit, so I'll ask if he can just take a peak and make sure that it looks normal.
Until then I will eat no more shit food. I'm going to go to the farmers market and eat fresh, whole foods as much as possible.
What sucks even more!! Is that I know I was having contractions last night, but I was too wrapped up in my dragon issues to even start to get excited about them....I'll pay more attention today.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
39 week appointment
Ugh. 50% effaced, not dilated - at all.
We had the induction talk with Dr. Chen today. He said he feels comfortable allowing me to go until July 21st. That is 10 days over the due date. I want to give the baby every opportunity to come on his own.
I'm getting kind of nervous about the whole hospital idea. I have very unpleasant memories of being in a hospital when I broke my leg and subsequent surgeries of being in the ICU for blood issues. I really wish St. Louis had some kind of birthing center, but apparently the closest one is Columbia, MO - not an option. I know the circumstances are going to be different (and so will the hospital - THANK GOD) but it makes me really anxious when I think about being in there. I really want this labor to come naturally so I don't have to be hooked up to IV fluids/medications for induction. I want to feel as free and natural as possible, not some medical, sick case.
Brad and I talked about our options and it seems that if we have to be induced that Friday, July 17th is the best date. That way he can stay at the hospital with me and the baby over the weekend and use vacation starting on the day we'd go home (assuming the following Monday). But then I think -- what if Elijah just needed an extra full week to bake in there and he'd come on his own on the 18th?? This is truly going to drive me crazy with all the what-if scenarios. I know I'm thinking about this too much and was warned that my birth plan would not be 100% according to MY plans. But I really don't want any synthetic chemicals going through me or the baby, nor do I want to be a patient at a hospital - I want to be a woman in labor.
aaah....it drives me crazy. I just need to focus that no matter what I will have a baby and the journey that got him out will not be as important as the fact that he is indeed out.
We had the induction talk with Dr. Chen today. He said he feels comfortable allowing me to go until July 21st. That is 10 days over the due date. I want to give the baby every opportunity to come on his own.
I'm getting kind of nervous about the whole hospital idea. I have very unpleasant memories of being in a hospital when I broke my leg and subsequent surgeries of being in the ICU for blood issues. I really wish St. Louis had some kind of birthing center, but apparently the closest one is Columbia, MO - not an option. I know the circumstances are going to be different (and so will the hospital - THANK GOD) but it makes me really anxious when I think about being in there. I really want this labor to come naturally so I don't have to be hooked up to IV fluids/medications for induction. I want to feel as free and natural as possible, not some medical, sick case.
Brad and I talked about our options and it seems that if we have to be induced that Friday, July 17th is the best date. That way he can stay at the hospital with me and the baby over the weekend and use vacation starting on the day we'd go home (assuming the following Monday). But then I think -- what if Elijah just needed an extra full week to bake in there and he'd come on his own on the 18th?? This is truly going to drive me crazy with all the what-if scenarios. I know I'm thinking about this too much and was warned that my birth plan would not be 100% according to MY plans. But I really don't want any synthetic chemicals going through me or the baby, nor do I want to be a patient at a hospital - I want to be a woman in labor.
aaah....it drives me crazy. I just need to focus that no matter what I will have a baby and the journey that got him out will not be as important as the fact that he is indeed out.
Get out baby...
Dear Elijah,
You know I love you already, but it's time that you get out.
Technically you still have 4 days left, but enough is enough. We're getting ready to go to Dr. Chen in a few hours, so I hope you have been busy during your stay in my uterus this last week. I hope all of the uncomfortable pressure your little noggin puts on my bladder is working to dialate and thin my cervix too.
Can I also mention that you're making mommy's tummy SO itchy. I don't want you to stop growing --- I just want you to stop growing inside of me. It's time to come out.
I have been walking like crazy, using the exercise ball, squatting and other things you're too young to know about. So, I'm doing my part -- are you doing yours?
Your Aunt Beequee says tonight is the night, since it is a full moon. She also wants you to wait until the 14th since it's her birthday -- don't listen when she talks that nonsense :) I know that you'll come when you ready, but I hope it's soon. Your Uncle Geegee would like to meet you too. He has to leave Thursday for three months. So, come on out!
Also I'm getting worried that you may poop while you're still in there. Don't do it, please. It's not good news for your little lungs, and it is really, really gross to think about poopies in mommy.
Daddy is really excited for you to come out too!! We're waiting to meet you and see who you look like. He thinks that you'll have my thin ears (he likes to tease me about them). I hope you get his super sweet dimples. We love you so much!! Come out so we can squeeze and snuggle you! (between you and me, I need a new snuggle buddy. Your puppy Tipsy likes to lay on daddy ALL the time, so I get left with snuggling with your kitty Tacoose. So will you come out and snuggle me?!)
We're waiting for you - not very patiently - but waiting. :)
You know I love you already, but it's time that you get out.
Technically you still have 4 days left, but enough is enough. We're getting ready to go to Dr. Chen in a few hours, so I hope you have been busy during your stay in my uterus this last week. I hope all of the uncomfortable pressure your little noggin puts on my bladder is working to dialate and thin my cervix too.
Can I also mention that you're making mommy's tummy SO itchy. I don't want you to stop growing --- I just want you to stop growing inside of me. It's time to come out.
I have been walking like crazy, using the exercise ball, squatting and other things you're too young to know about. So, I'm doing my part -- are you doing yours?
Your Aunt Beequee says tonight is the night, since it is a full moon. She also wants you to wait until the 14th since it's her birthday -- don't listen when she talks that nonsense :) I know that you'll come when you ready, but I hope it's soon. Your Uncle Geegee would like to meet you too. He has to leave Thursday for three months. So, come on out!
Also I'm getting worried that you may poop while you're still in there. Don't do it, please. It's not good news for your little lungs, and it is really, really gross to think about poopies in mommy.
Daddy is really excited for you to come out too!! We're waiting to meet you and see who you look like. He thinks that you'll have my thin ears (he likes to tease me about them). I hope you get his super sweet dimples. We love you so much!! Come out so we can squeeze and snuggle you! (between you and me, I need a new snuggle buddy. Your puppy Tipsy likes to lay on daddy ALL the time, so I get left with snuggling with your kitty Tacoose. So will you come out and snuggle me?!)
We're waiting for you - not very patiently - but waiting. :)
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Uneventful appointment yesterday :(
The good news is that my blood pressure was normal. The week before it was high, then over the weekend a random visit to the Wal-Mart BP chair indicated that it was elevated - So that's good news I don't have to worry about my BP.
He said the baby's heartbeat is great! - it scared me for a second when he couldn't find it as quickly as he normally does -
So I had pretty good news up until the exam....yep, you guess it, the exam revealed that I'm still thinning (but he didn't give me a percentage yet) and shut tight. On top of it all I felt crampiness the rest of the afternoon and evening - not exciting crampiness, just a 'dull-I'm-not-going-to-dialate-you-only-piss-you-off-and-make-you-feel-uncomfortable-type-crampiness'
yea. Those kind of cramps.
So I go back next Tuesday at 39 1/2 weeks and PRAY that something is happening. If not we will discuss being overdue and induction ::cries silently::
How far along? 38w 4days
Total weight gain/loss: 30 pounds now
Maternity clothes? they suck and don't cover up my belly that has recently dropped. I HATE them.
Stretch marks? ::sigh::
Sleep: more or less sleeping has become napping. Between waking up to pee and my arms falling asleep it's great to get maybe 2 hours straight.
Best moment this week: Saturday when we went shopping for things. I feel more prepared now
Movement: Oh, I didn't mention this in between peeing and my arms falling asleep? Yea, he only likes to squirm and move when it's time for me to go to bed.
Food cravings: snow cones - but that's not pregnancy related.
Gender: little boy
Labor Signs: don't tease me
Belly Button in or out? Top part is out, bottom in...still wierd
What I miss: feeling pretty
What I am looking forward to: having him
Weekly Wisdom: I don't have any. I feel very defeated at this moment. I want to go home and cry.
Milestones: I've outgrown maternity shirts....whoo hoo...let's celebrate.
He said the baby's heartbeat is great! - it scared me for a second when he couldn't find it as quickly as he normally does -
So I had pretty good news up until the exam....yep, you guess it, the exam revealed that I'm still thinning (but he didn't give me a percentage yet) and shut tight. On top of it all I felt crampiness the rest of the afternoon and evening - not exciting crampiness, just a 'dull-I'm-not-going-to-dialate-you-only-piss-you-off-and-make-you-feel-uncomfortable-type-crampiness'
yea. Those kind of cramps.
So I go back next Tuesday at 39 1/2 weeks and PRAY that something is happening. If not we will discuss being overdue and induction ::cries silently::
How far along? 38w 4days
Total weight gain/loss: 30 pounds now
Maternity clothes? they suck and don't cover up my belly that has recently dropped. I HATE them.
Stretch marks? ::sigh::
Sleep: more or less sleeping has become napping. Between waking up to pee and my arms falling asleep it's great to get maybe 2 hours straight.
Best moment this week: Saturday when we went shopping for things. I feel more prepared now
Movement: Oh, I didn't mention this in between peeing and my arms falling asleep? Yea, he only likes to squirm and move when it's time for me to go to bed.
Food cravings: snow cones - but that's not pregnancy related.
Gender: little boy
Labor Signs: don't tease me
Belly Button in or out? Top part is out, bottom in...still wierd
What I miss: feeling pretty
What I am looking forward to: having him
Weekly Wisdom: I don't have any. I feel very defeated at this moment. I want to go home and cry.
Milestones: I've outgrown maternity shirts....whoo hoo...let's celebrate.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
How COOL is this??
My dad found my birth announcement! - I scanned the front and inside - I'm anxious to see how my little baby favors me when he comes! Now I'm on the hunt to find Brad's baby pics.

The pic below the hospital is an extra baby photo of me.

This is the inside saying that I was born August 31st, 1982; the day was left blank; born at 9:30 in the evening; I was 3 kg (or 6 pounds 6 oz); the parents field was left blank; and the last entry was the doctor who delivered me - Nikos Kapetanakis
Now I just need to find a baby pic of Brad!

The pic below the hospital is an extra baby photo of me.

This is the inside saying that I was born August 31st, 1982; the day was left blank; born at 9:30 in the evening; I was 3 kg (or 6 pounds 6 oz); the parents field was left blank; and the last entry was the doctor who delivered me - Nikos Kapetanakis
Now I just need to find a baby pic of Brad!
We'll it's been a while since I've logged on (to anything for that matter). So I guess I'll update my latest. Thursday I had the shower at work, which was so nice.
Friday: I spent half the day working with my mom in her house since they are trying to fix it up and sell it. She even came back with me and spent the night at my house!
Saturday: Brad and I had a rare day to spend together. We took a lot of the gift cards, and a lot of duplicate gifts and hopped from store to store to pick up things we think we need. Here's what we got:
- co-sleeper thingie (it goes in the middle of our bed) *I had mixed emotions about this, but if it puts the animals out of our bed for a while, I'm willing to do it :)
- a natural rubber pipila (no PVC, phthalates, BPA free) -- a pipila is a pacifier
- grooming/first aid kit
- nipple cream
- hand mittens
- glass bottles
- um...I can't think of what else....
I had a really great surprise on Saturday! I was originally going to have a baby shower thrown for me....things didn't work out and it is too late in my pregnancy to have it postponed, so it was cancelled. Becky and Danielle (Beck's best friend) came over and surprised me with GREAT gifts!! Danielle was awesome and got us the bottle drying rack we registered for, hangers and the most adorable photo album. Becky got me my diaper bag (which I love!) and her and Charlet (her MIL) got me the pack n play!!! - It was really expensive, and I'm so greatful. Those girls actually made me start crying it was so sweet. (Brad thought I was crazy for crying ... which in turn made Becky cry... hahaha!)
That evening Mary and Jeff took me out to dinner. That was so nice of them. - Brad went to hit baseballs, so it was just the three of us. It really made it scary when Mary said she'd see me in a few weeks to see the baby....ah! - Plus the ticker saying 11 days now is making me more nervous and frantic!
Sunday: Brad had baseball so I went to help my mom out again. We made really good progress, but my limitations with pregnancy have finally caught up with me. All I did was sit on a skate board and scoot around the floor cleaning baseboards. I'm so sore. I feel like I weigh 500 pounds and my bones are breaking under all this weight! So I'm definitely taking it easy now. Amy gave me this advice last week...but I just hate not being able to help people when they need my help, but, unfortunately that had to be my final straw. Sorry mom.
So that's my update. I go to Dr. Chen today at 3:45...so hopefully everything looks okay. I'll update later!!
Friday: I spent half the day working with my mom in her house since they are trying to fix it up and sell it. She even came back with me and spent the night at my house!
Saturday: Brad and I had a rare day to spend together. We took a lot of the gift cards, and a lot of duplicate gifts and hopped from store to store to pick up things we think we need. Here's what we got:
- co-sleeper thingie (it goes in the middle of our bed) *I had mixed emotions about this, but if it puts the animals out of our bed for a while, I'm willing to do it :)
- a natural rubber pipila (no PVC, phthalates, BPA free) -- a pipila is a pacifier
- grooming/first aid kit
- nipple cream
- hand mittens
- glass bottles
- um...I can't think of what else....
I had a really great surprise on Saturday! I was originally going to have a baby shower thrown for me....things didn't work out and it is too late in my pregnancy to have it postponed, so it was cancelled. Becky and Danielle (Beck's best friend) came over and surprised me with GREAT gifts!! Danielle was awesome and got us the bottle drying rack we registered for, hangers and the most adorable photo album. Becky got me my diaper bag (which I love!) and her and Charlet (her MIL) got me the pack n play!!! - It was really expensive, and I'm so greatful. Those girls actually made me start crying it was so sweet. (Brad thought I was crazy for crying ... which in turn made Becky cry... hahaha!)
That evening Mary and Jeff took me out to dinner. That was so nice of them. - Brad went to hit baseballs, so it was just the three of us. It really made it scary when Mary said she'd see me in a few weeks to see the baby....ah! - Plus the ticker saying 11 days now is making me more nervous and frantic!
Sunday: Brad had baseball so I went to help my mom out again. We made really good progress, but my limitations with pregnancy have finally caught up with me. All I did was sit on a skate board and scoot around the floor cleaning baseboards. I'm so sore. I feel like I weigh 500 pounds and my bones are breaking under all this weight! So I'm definitely taking it easy now. Amy gave me this advice last week...but I just hate not being able to help people when they need my help, but, unfortunately that had to be my final straw. Sorry mom.
So that's my update. I go to Dr. Chen today at 3:45...so hopefully everything looks okay. I'll update later!!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Surprise shower for me!!
At work some of the ladies got together and gave me a shower! I had anticipated having cake, but when I walked into the conference room they had bags of gifts for me. It was so thoughtful, especially because some of the 2nd shift ladies who couldn't make it sent their gifts anyway.

We again, got great outfits! A bouncer, gift cards, wash cloths (I haven't bought any of these yet!) blankets, socks....I'm so touched! My boss got me safety things, I thought that was cute :) (plug covers, safety mirrors, etc).
Andrea picked up a cake for me (I need to mention that she had gifts sent to my house). Thank you Vi-Jon ladies so much!
I think they're hoping to not see me Monday...hahah....

Wednesday, June 24, 2009
SOOOO tired.
Hopefully this is the LAST time I ever have to work shitty hours. I had to be up at 2:15 this morning to start work at 3:00. yes... a.m., as in morning...as in the sun's not up yet!!
He looks like Tim!!

So now it's hit 6:30 and I'm struggling to keep my eyes open. I am counting down until nap time at 11:00 when I get off. - We had to provide a safety lunch for 3rd shift employees (I was nominated to run 3rd shift because I'm the only one who doesn't have kids yet) ::BS::
At least I like the group we served.
Anyway, part of the exhaustion is due to not sleeping until midnight! I went to see Natalie, Tim and new baby Logan at St. John's yesterday. Unfortunately he was still in the NICU, but doing very well. Natalie looked a little tired, but still great. I didn't get home until nearly 11! What an amazing miracle. Here are some pics of Logan. Hopefully today when I swing by (before my nap time) I will get to hold him!
He looks like Tim!!
As for me baby-wise, not much has changed. I still feel pretty crampy, no solid poops (sorry TMI) and he is kicking and moving like a crazy man! Hopefully he gets the idea soon that he'll have more room out here ::but baby...please wait until after I've had a LONG, GOOD nap. Then you can come - thanks::
It is also been ridiculously hot here lately. I could barely make it up a small parking lot hill yesterday without blowing up like an air balloon and feeling like I had all my breath punched out of me. My feet are really starting to swell badly. The rest of me is too...I finally had to take off my wedding rings. - Oh well, I have a tan line there and an indention line that indicates that I swelled out of them.
Here are my poor tootsies (they're not so bad here). -- okay, wow. I just dozed off again. I need to take a few laps around the office....

Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Natalie had her baby!!!
Congratulations Natalie and Tim!!!! Yesterday morning Natalie emailed me and said she had been feeling contractions off and on - even at the shower she told me she started to lose her MP. The MP came out and her contractions became regular and they admitted her into the hospital late last night.
Brad's mom called us around 11 to tell us the news. This morning before 6 Brad's mom called to tell us that Logan Abel (I'm not sure how to spell Abel) arrived naturally at 4:30ish this morning!!! How exciting!
I am SO glad Natalie had a quick delivery. She truly needed a break from pregnancy and a speedy delivery! I get to meet my nephew probably later this evening or tomorrow....
all I can think now is,
O. M. G.
I'm next.
Brad's mom called us around 11 to tell us the news. This morning before 6 Brad's mom called to tell us that Logan Abel (I'm not sure how to spell Abel) arrived naturally at 4:30ish this morning!!! How exciting!
I am SO glad Natalie had a quick delivery. She truly needed a break from pregnancy and a speedy delivery! I get to meet my nephew probably later this evening or tomorrow....
all I can think now is,
O. M. G.
I'm next.
Baby Shower Pics!
I found the charger to my camera! Here are some pictures Tracie took for me. I'm sad that I didn't have on the right setting for her and they turned out a little dark. There were plenty of people with cameras, so I'm sure I'll get some more.

GEEZ! What's bigger?? my boobs or my belly?

This was the only pic on my camera of me and Natalie. And one of the few where I am not making a ridiculous face.
I had to stuff tissue paper between my legs so I didn't give everyone a show :)

Me and Brad's mom cutting the yummy cream cheese filled cake!!!!!!!

GEEZ! What's bigger?? my boobs or my belly?

This was the only pic on my camera of me and Natalie. And one of the few where I am not making a ridiculous face.
I had to stuff tissue paper between my legs so I didn't give everyone a show :)

Me and Brad's mom cutting the yummy cream cheese filled cake!!!!!!!
Monday, June 22, 2009
37 week appointment
I'll be honest...I'm a little disapointed.
yep....no dialation and barely starting to efface. That's okay, I was just hoping to be one of the lucky ones. I'm also a little disappointed that my usual Friday appointment is being pushed back to Tuesday next week. - the office is closed that day...but I don't really like it when my routine is messed up.
Oh well, I guess it gives me that much more time to progress. COMEONBABY!!!!!
This weekend was EXHAUSTING. Moving, packing, stressing - those are all pretty good adjectives. My mom and dad's house is now bascially in our basement. They still have plenty to pack up, but it's a start.
Saturday Brad's family gave a baby shower! It was so nice and thoughtful. We got a bunch of things for the baby (obviously, right?) Onesies, spoons, a bouncer, baby carrier, hangers, blankets, outfits, a humidifier, a nightlight, toys....it was pretty exciting! We were at Cheri's house and had lunch and a really yummy cake filled with some kind of cream cheese filling...
So...my camera died during the shower. I did manage to get a few pics, but I'll have to upload them later.
Not much to report 'feeling' wise. I still have the crampiness...some D and lots of fatigue. The 90 degree days probably haven't been helping that much. It's kind of funny how pregnancy for me has come full circle in a way. The very beginning I was always paranoid looking for blood or scary discharge to indicate something about the pregnancy isn't going right. Now I'm looking for the same type of thing, only to tell me that becoming "unpregnant" is going right.
That's a thought...no longer pregnant?? that may mean:
1) no longer so huge???
2) no longer being stared at like a freak show???
3) no more swelling???
4) no more feet/elbow kicking my lower right ribs???
5) an end to the stretching???
6) not getting winded trying to get off the couch???
7) eventually wearing something hanging in my closet???
8) not worrying about a-bowling-ball-is-falling-out-my-vagina-feeling all the time???
9) no longer having to pee ALL the time???
10) FINALLY getting to feel the squirms and squiggles in my arms???
- those are nice thoughts, especially the last one
Until then...I must remember the flip side of things....at least I can try and sleep.
yep....no dialation and barely starting to efface. That's okay, I was just hoping to be one of the lucky ones. I'm also a little disappointed that my usual Friday appointment is being pushed back to Tuesday next week. - the office is closed that day...but I don't really like it when my routine is messed up.
Oh well, I guess it gives me that much more time to progress. COMEONBABY!!!!!
This weekend was EXHAUSTING. Moving, packing, stressing - those are all pretty good adjectives. My mom and dad's house is now bascially in our basement. They still have plenty to pack up, but it's a start.
Saturday Brad's family gave a baby shower! It was so nice and thoughtful. We got a bunch of things for the baby (obviously, right?) Onesies, spoons, a bouncer, baby carrier, hangers, blankets, outfits, a humidifier, a nightlight, toys....it was pretty exciting! We were at Cheri's house and had lunch and a really yummy cake filled with some kind of cream cheese filling...
So...my camera died during the shower. I did manage to get a few pics, but I'll have to upload them later.
Not much to report 'feeling' wise. I still have the crampiness...some D and lots of fatigue. The 90 degree days probably haven't been helping that much. It's kind of funny how pregnancy for me has come full circle in a way. The very beginning I was always paranoid looking for blood or scary discharge to indicate something about the pregnancy isn't going right. Now I'm looking for the same type of thing, only to tell me that becoming "unpregnant" is going right.
That's a thought...no longer pregnant?? that may mean:
1) no longer so huge???
2) no longer being stared at like a freak show???
3) no more swelling???
4) no more feet/elbow kicking my lower right ribs???
5) an end to the stretching???
6) not getting winded trying to get off the couch???
7) eventually wearing something hanging in my closet???
8) not worrying about a-bowling-ball-is-falling-out-my-vagina-feeling all the time???
9) no longer having to pee ALL the time???
10) FINALLY getting to feel the squirms and squiggles in my arms???
- those are nice thoughts, especially the last one
Until then...I must remember the flip side of things....at least I can try and sleep.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Hospital Bag...check!
We finally gathered everything and packed the bag tonight.
*I say "we"...basically Brad went to Walmart with me probably to make sure I wouldn't come home with something we didn't really need. --- like the closet organizer he made me take out of the cart*
So we got the tennis balls (suggested by the Bradley method class), little shampoos to have at the hospital, scrunchies, a nursing bra, a night gown (I have mental issues about wearing a hospital gown - it reminds me of bad times)...um, we also have our diapers (huggies F&N and 7thGen) and chlorine free wipes. I packed a BUNCH of panties...all kinds. Actually what's funny is for my bachlorette party a game involved each guest bringing a pair of panties...anyway, long story short, Natalie brought these horribly huge-grandma-undies...I packed them. I bet they will be SUPER comfy.
I made a rice sock (used to heat up and help sooth the back)...um, oh, I packed Elijah lots of onesies, his coming home outfit, socks, and an "I love mommy" outfit. --how could I resist??
It was kind of scary when it got to the part of packing stuff for the baby. I felt like it was my 'test' to see if I'd get it right...did I remember everything he may need (without having the hospital having to provide)? - oh, and I did remember his organic soaps & shampoos -
As he wiggles around right now it just make it so unbelievable that these 'alien' movements I see and feel will soon be 'real' in life and flesh. Also as I sit here these 'period' cramps are a little more bothersome. I don't understand what they really are - I mean - my stomach isn't rock hard like so many books describe. Where is the definition of an annoying cramp that isn't timeable but slowly progressing to the point of wanting to reach for a midol?
I don't know, but I'm sure I'll follow up in my blog as soon as I get a report from Dr. Chen on Friday. At least my bags are now packed if it turns into something more serious.... **wishful thinking**
*I say "we"...basically Brad went to Walmart with me probably to make sure I wouldn't come home with something we didn't really need. --- like the closet organizer he made me take out of the cart*
So we got the tennis balls (suggested by the Bradley method class), little shampoos to have at the hospital, scrunchies, a nursing bra, a night gown (I have mental issues about wearing a hospital gown - it reminds me of bad times)...um, we also have our diapers (huggies F&N and 7thGen) and chlorine free wipes. I packed a BUNCH of panties...all kinds. Actually what's funny is for my bachlorette party a game involved each guest bringing a pair of panties...anyway, long story short, Natalie brought these horribly huge-grandma-undies...I packed them. I bet they will be SUPER comfy.
I made a rice sock (used to heat up and help sooth the back)...um, oh, I packed Elijah lots of onesies, his coming home outfit, socks, and an "I love mommy" outfit. --how could I resist??
It was kind of scary when it got to the part of packing stuff for the baby. I felt like it was my 'test' to see if I'd get it right...did I remember everything he may need (without having the hospital having to provide)? - oh, and I did remember his organic soaps & shampoos -
As he wiggles around right now it just make it so unbelievable that these 'alien' movements I see and feel will soon be 'real' in life and flesh. Also as I sit here these 'period' cramps are a little more bothersome. I don't understand what they really are - I mean - my stomach isn't rock hard like so many books describe. Where is the definition of an annoying cramp that isn't timeable but slowly progressing to the point of wanting to reach for a midol?
I don't know, but I'm sure I'll follow up in my blog as soon as I get a report from Dr. Chen on Friday. At least my bags are now packed if it turns into something more serious.... **wishful thinking**
How far along? 36w4d
Total weight gain/loss: my scale is crap, so somewhere between 22-26 pounds
Maternity clothes? HATE them. I only wear skirts from ON & Target that are gaucho-like
Stretch marks? growing exponentially
Sleep: no, not really. I have to pee too much.
Best moment this week: Brad telling me that his boss doesn't think I look pregnant from the back!
Movement: throughout the day off and on. There is always an elbow/foot-whatever poking out of my right side when he moves.
Food cravings: peanut butter sandwiches & Chocolate milk.
Gender: boy! confirmed a 3rd time last friday.
Labor Signs: period-type cramping lately. Dr. Chen said they are little contractions.
Belly Button in or out? wierd...top part is out, bottom part is in.
What I miss: the feeling that everything doesn't have to be spic and span ALL the time.
What I am looking forward to: honestly, experiencing labor.
Weekly Wisdom: I'm NOT crazy for crying at air freshener commericals - I can't help it -it's my hormones :)
Milestones: 9 months officially! and Full term in 3 days!!!!!!!!!!!
Total weight gain/loss: my scale is crap, so somewhere between 22-26 pounds
Maternity clothes? HATE them. I only wear skirts from ON & Target that are gaucho-like
Stretch marks? growing exponentially
Sleep: no, not really. I have to pee too much.
Best moment this week: Brad telling me that his boss doesn't think I look pregnant from the back!
Movement: throughout the day off and on. There is always an elbow/foot-whatever poking out of my right side when he moves.
Food cravings: peanut butter sandwiches & Chocolate milk.
Gender: boy! confirmed a 3rd time last friday.
Labor Signs: period-type cramping lately. Dr. Chen said they are little contractions.
Belly Button in or out? wierd...top part is out, bottom part is in.
What I miss: the feeling that everything doesn't have to be spic and span ALL the time.
What I am looking forward to: honestly, experiencing labor.
Weekly Wisdom: I'm NOT crazy for crying at air freshener commericals - I can't help it -it's my hormones :)
Milestones: 9 months officially! and Full term in 3 days!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Weekend update!
Officially 9 months pregnant! - And my ticker says 26 days. I am WAAAAYYYY to excited!
let me add that we now have internet at home, so after this blog entry they won't be as lengthy...
Friday: I had my 36 week appt with Dr. Chen (I am now a weekly visitor). Brad came with me this time because we were getting our last u/s as well. Before the u/s however I had the group b strep test done. It wasn't awful, but I didn't particularly like a q-tip going up my bum. Hopefully it will come back negative so I can labor without an IV. ::crosses fingers::
After that we got to see the baby again! And I am SOO pleased to say that his is head down and in perfect position. Dr. Chen said he looks great, and even mentioned he was happy to see him 'practice' breathing already - this is great news meaning if he came now he could most likely breath on his own. What a miracle this whole process is!
I also asked about my "period" cramps I've been feeling off an on for the last two weeks or so. He said that they are light contractions! This just makes me happy to think that maybe I won't go over the due date - I really don't want to. I get an internal exam next Friday, so I'll guess we'll see if they are making any slight progress down there.
Saturday: Race for the Cure! I woke up at dawn - seriously 5 am - and Me, Becky, Natalie, Jon and Emma battled the crowds of downtown St. Louis to walk amongst 70,000+ people to support the fight against breast cancer. I must say the crowds were incredible, but it was so moving to see so many survivors and so many "in memory of" t-shirts being worn. However, it did start to make me think...what is all the $$ going towards? Where is our cure? - for those that know me, know that I have a conspiracy theory with pharmaceutical companies/doctors/etc - So this kind of disappointed me with the race. It was almost like a circus show. I would walk 1,000 miles for these women, don't get me wrong. But I can't shake the feeling that the cause is sometimes overshadowed by the hype...is that the best way to describe it? I don't know. Anyway....
God bless the survivors, the survivors of women who have passed, and all of those who suffer from any form of this awful disease.
Probably about 1/2 mile into the race. We opted to do the 1 mile fun walk versus the whole 5k. It was hot, we had a 3 year old and 3 very pregnant walkers! (Jon's such a good sport to hang out with us that morning)

Check out the massive crowds! - Oh, and it didn't rain on us thankfully.

Check out the massive crowds! - Oh, and it didn't rain on us thankfully.
Natalie, Becky, Jon and Emma - next year we'll leave a bulky jogging stroller at home. It was too crowded to maneuver the thing!
Me and my Magoo!!!!
Emma took this one of me and Becky.
So that was the majority of Saturday. After the race I went home and cleaned house a bit. Brad and his dad built stairs off of our back door (yay!! Finally!!). Then Brad and I went off to a Rascals baseball game. It was a really nice relaxing time. It was also nice to just get to be with Brad for a bit. Oh, and at the game I had the BEST snow cone I've ever had. :::I'm drooling just thinking about it:::
Sunday: Tried to sleep in...couldn't. Becky and Emma came over and we finished picking up shower presents for Heather (Steph's sister). The shower was nice! Steph and her mom and whoever else helped did a really nice job. We even got to decorate onesies - it was fun! After the shower it was off to my parents house. They had a realtor come over, and it's official...the house will soon be listed to sell! As exciting as that sounds, believe me, it's going to be EXHAUSTING. There is a lot of things that have to get done around their house. But it's great to see things moving along. I just wish I could help more than I'm able.
So...there's my weekend in a nutshell. There is some bitter/sweet news I didn't add in there. George, my brother, got offered his dream job!!! After years of patiently waiting and working hard he has finally gotten that phone call. He is truly deserving. The catch is, it's in Des Moines, Iowa. WOW...that stinks. They have to move away. And on top of all that Steph is going to have a lot on her shoulders! G has to go away for 3 months for training and miss a lot of the exciting visits of their pregnancy. Anyway....keep them in your prayers...they have a lot on their plates.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
YOU may think I'm small....
but shut up.
AAAHH! If one more person tells me "Oh! You're too small to deliver next month" I'm going to punch them in the teeth.
Did it ever occur to them that my boobs have also become ginormous - seriously, they nearly stick out as far as my belly - .... anyway, I don't have to defend my pregnancy size to them. It is just so irritating! What am I supposed to say?
"Yea, I've been starving myself to make sure that he will be able to squeeze out no problem. It's been tough, but I think I'll reach my goal of him only weighing 3 pounds."
::: Freaking morons :::
AAAHH! If one more person tells me "Oh! You're too small to deliver next month" I'm going to punch them in the teeth.
Did it ever occur to them that my boobs have also become ginormous - seriously, they nearly stick out as far as my belly - .... anyway, I don't have to defend my pregnancy size to them. It is just so irritating! What am I supposed to say?
"Yea, I've been starving myself to make sure that he will be able to squeeze out no problem. It's been tough, but I think I'll reach my goal of him only weighing 3 pounds."
::: Freaking morons :::
Monday, June 8, 2009
Semi-BUSY weekend
Wow....I feel like I was just blogging about last weekend. Time is really flying by.

The hardest part of this 5k was having to pee practically the whole time...and being teased by the big Brewfest Festival tents...mmmm....ice cold beer......
I have decided to take Fridays off until baby comes - mostly because my dr. appts are on Fridays. Also my work has this RIDICULOUS policy (which I guess most do??) that I need to have 40 hours of personal time banked to take FMLA. They are just going to take it...not give me an extra week off (so NOT 13 weeks off, only 12). They would have to pay me for it of course, but getting paid is not 100% my priority...getting to bond with my son is. So they can't take what's not there!! HA-ha!
Moving on...thinking of work pisses me off.
Friday: Since I had the day off I cleaned out my car. For those that don't understand what an achievement this is...believe me, it's like a miracle how clean my car is. I couldn't stand the thought of a baby riding in a messy car, so my nesting attacked my car. Partly because we got our car seats on Friday. Special thanks to Grandma and Grandpa Karn!! This week I plan to go to the fire department and have them install it. I'm kind of nervous because my car is a little hatchback with airbags EVERYWHERE...so I might have to go to Mercedes and have them disable an airbag or two.
Friday evening - Becky, Emma and I went to superwalmart and did some shopping. It was kind of commical because we both were dead tired trying to grocery shop. Emma was great, she sat in the cart the whole time. I could just squeeze her she's so sweet!!
....oh, side note. Look at this pic she wanted to take for "Bob" (aka Brad) because she is decked out in baseball gear. How cute is she.
What's funny is that Beck and I were so dead tired after doing our walmart shopping we both just wanted to get home and crash...but it turns out we both were cleaning until the wee hours of the morning! This nesting thing is really bizarre. At least my house is fantastically clean.Saturday: 5k #2! Natalie asked me to walk with her for Run for the Stars at the St. Louis Science Center. I was all for it. I love the science center! I think the 5k fever is spreading...Steph, George, Allison and my Mom walked with us! I only have a few photos unfortunately. My mom has the rest (I'll get those tomorrow). It was a great walk, but really challenging! We went all through Forest Park. Those hills are nothing to laugh at either. We finished almost dead last...we beat a 79 year old. HAHAHAHAHAHA....here's a screen shot of the results...
So you can't see it really well, but it's hilarious nonetheless.
Here are some photos (my mom has the rest - a good group one too I'll have to get from her). Me and Natalie and our babies!!

The hardest part of this 5k was having to pee practically the whole time...and being teased by the big Brewfest Festival tents...mmmm....ice cold beer......
After the race Tim and Brad picked up the crib!! Yay!! Thanks Nana for getting us a new crib! I'll post pics of the nursery once we get the old crib taken apart. Brad and I put it together without arguing or bickering at each other - that's a pretty good accomplishment too :)
That's basically Saturday. We had dinner with Brad's parents, Natalie and Tim. Rented that Tom Cruise Valykrie movie and fell asleep.
Sunday: Completely uneventful for me. I slept A LOT, did laundry and got addicted to watching a marathon of America's Next Top Models ::can someone tell me how it's possible that a finalist had a baby less than a year before getting on the show?? -- Where were HER stretch marks??::
Wow, is this blog long enough? Sorry...but as I said last week my motivation for work is even less now than before. ANDD!!!! We dont' have internet at home until next Saturday...freaking AT&T...
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